Sunday, September 21, 2008

Richard Avedon at the Corcoran Gallery of Art: Portraits of Power

It's a great show. Well worth the price of admission ($14; less for students, seniors and children under age 7).

The Avedon opening for members was crowded, but, at least, we were able to see the photographs standing not ten deep.

Rather than 9 p.m. (the announced closing), we left at 9:50 p.m. with no rush by the guards. (Obviously, not the Smithsonian guards who could give lessons to NASCAR.)

Anyway, the photographs! Many, stern, serious, few smiles. Most are quite unflattering. White backgrounds. Black and white. Severe. Large.

One of the few smiles is on Robert McNamara. Why is he smiling? He should never smile again.

Almost everyone looked far worse than you have them pictured mentally, except, John Kerry. In a picture taken in 2004 he's the only one who looked handsome and better than reality which is mean to most of the subjects.

(Henry Kissinger (in the second photo of him in the show) might have had the flu. The pain and agony on George Wallace's face (in the third picture of him) makes a viewer wince. If he had not died before Dick Cheney erected his Torture Chamber, he could have been sitting on boiling water at Guantanamo.)

Come to think of it, the show is pretty darned depressing overall.

Standouts in the crowd: Several shots of the Chicago 7, George Bush the First, Rudolph Nureyev, Jimmy Carter (was handsome), Barack Obama (in color), Dwight Eisenhower (with eyes seemingly rolling around his head), the Rosenberg boys. (Where are they now? Twice in the news in a week).

I cannot recall a more uncomely photograph of Ronald Reagan. Avedon easily (to a viewer) captures the arrogance of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Few women grace the exhibit. But the outrageous, the charming Dorothy Parker with her personality and wit flowing from the frame is there, contrasted with, a few galleries away, the eternally injured Vietnam woman who is too painful to look at for more than a second or two.

Richard Avedon died in 2004 from a cerebral hemorrhage.

I recently upgraded my membership to get invitations to the members' previews with wine and hors d'oeuvres, and the upgrade has been a splendid value.

Plentiful treats and drinks amidst seeing the shows without the hordes. Plus, additional benefits, like free admission to Mt. Vernon (expired at the end of July. Yes, I went.). Plus entrances without charge at other fee-based museums.

This coming Thursday night I return to the exhibit and to hear the curators, Frank Goodyear and Paul Roth, deliver a lecture about the show, another membership benefit. The exhibit ends January 25, 2009.

Monday, September 15, 2008

An Inverse Ratio at the Cosmopolitans Friday Night

If you are single, over age 50 (the invitation says 40 but never mind), like to dress up (black tie optional), and dance to a live band and not a DJ, you will like the Cosmopolitans dances held four times a year for $50 each (advance) especially if you are male.

Females: N O T

Friday night's soiree, if it can be called that, was at the Austrian Embassy, a good place to dance and a lovely venue with free parking nearby, located amidst several embassies off Van Ness.

The band, "Tapestry," was good, playing the oldies to the crowd, and the food, a value for the price (heavy
hors d'oeuvres, a nice substitute for dinner), and a male/female ratio of 33.3/66.6 more or less.

In the "group" dance the ratio changed to approximately 10/90. Take a look at the pictures at the web site for proof.

Most (95%) of the crowd was Caucasian.

Cash bar.

Another typically social evening in Washington, D.C. where females vastly outnumber males. C'est la vie!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Starry Night with Herman Wouk at the Library of Congress

By the Queen of Free

If the public had known the presenters at the Herman Wouk award ceremony at the Library of Congress this week would include Martha Raddatz, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ,William Safire, and Jimmy Buffet performing, it is likely a mob scene would have ensued.

Wisely, the Library of Congress press office kept the names of the celebrities (is that a dirty word now?) off the press release, and so the Coolidge Auditorium was almost SRO anyway.

Mr. Wouk received the first award bestowed by the LOC for "lifetime achievement in the writing of fiction." And he received another honor, too: Henceforth the award will be called the Herman Wouk Award. He has written 12 acclaimed novels, plays, and nonfiction, many of which were displayed in a lighted glass case in the foyer of the auditorium.

Herman Wouk is a delightfully charming 93-year-old who looks, speaks, walks, dresses, and acts like someone in his mid-70s, seriously.

When he made his entrance onto the stage the audience stood and clapped for several moments. Mr. Wouk wore a sharp suit and red tie, and sat and listened for two hours to the presenters who read at length from his novels, sang, and gave him special gifts including a framed letter from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D- CA) commemorating Mr. Wouk's achievements, and a framed facsimile of four leaves from a Hebrew illuminated manuscript.

The ceremony began with a taped segment from the television show, "What's My Line," broadcast in the 1950s and 1960s, featuring Mr. Wouk who tried to "stump the panel." It was a show filled with laughter and reminiscences of times and people past. And the Coolidge audience loved it. (Are there re-runs anywhere?)

Except for reading some of Mr. Wouk's War and Remembrance, Martha Raddatz of ABC News seemed a reluctant participant for she barely said any words other than those in the book. William Safire made the crowd laugh with his remarks and his reading from Inside Outside. Justice Ginsburg, as fragile as a porcelain doll and weighing about as much, made you proud of Bill Clinton who nominated her to the U.S. Supreme Court. She read excerpts from The Caine Mutiny.

And Jimmy Buffet! Whew! He bounded on stage, removed his jacket and gave the history of his and Mr. Wouk's collaboration on Don't Stop the Carnival before he took off his shoes and played the guitar and sang several numbers from the play in bare feet. Maybe that's another first for the stage of the Coolidge.

The event ended with Mr. Wouk reading in an affirming, strong voice excerpts from his personal journals which he has donated to LOC along with several manuscripts.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Book: "The Professor and the Madman" by Simon Winchester

Finally, I get around to reading this book. Ten years after its publication..

What has this got to do with Washington, D.C.? A little about St. Elizabeths Hospital is told.

The subtitle is: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary.

Alas! Midway through I discovered it was not documented! Horrors. What have I been wasting my time on? Is the word "Tale" in the subtitle a clue?

Oh sure, there are mentions at the rear of the book about conversations Mr. Winchester had, and the hospital records he read, and the places he visited, and the people he knew, and his Internet searches, and "further readings," but what's to keep a writer from creating fiction from an unusual story and claiming it's non-fiction? I don't know. Seems like a great way to craft a novel and claim it is real. Like that guy on Oprah a couple of years ago.

Mr. Winchester found assistance from the good folks at the National Park Service and the National Archives, etc. etc. But nowhere is found one footnote, one link, one date, one specific reference to any of the information Mr. Winchester used to tell his story. There is no index.

Despite several attempts, the author was not successful trying to pry hospital records from St Elizabeths Hospital about a key character in the book, the "madman," Dr. William C. Minor. Mr. Winchester gloats that he was able to get the files another way via the Internet and says: "It was more than gratifying to be able to telephone St. Elizabeths the next day and tell the unhelpful officials (he had found the records)...They were not best pleased" (sic; he is British). St. Elizabeths is no longer a federal institution but under the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia "a government that has experienced some well-publicized troubles in recent years," he writes.

Makes one wonder about the privacy act, your own medical records, and how they can become public property. Perhaps records of prisoners are not safeguarded as well as those of others .

Mr. Winchester was able to obtain Dr. Minor's records from other medical facilities with no attribution, other than general attribution, made about any of the records (dates, persons, descriptions). Nor are conversations with archivists, historians, a family member of Dr. Minor's, or sources Mr. Winchester used listed, dated or described in detail.

Quite a few pages are taken up with Mr. Winchester's acquaintances and friendships which enabled him to write the story.

The book is so short I thought it must be an abridged edition, but no.

Where are the pictures of the key players and places? Mr. Winchester mentions pictures and papers revealed to him by Dr. Minor's great-great-nephew, but none are included, and there are no citations of the papers used, if they were.

The line drawings which are included are nice and suggestive, reminding me of Nancy Drew mysteries I read long ago. The name of the artist who made the drawings for this book is not included anywhere that I could find.

Am I the first one to raise these questions about lack of documentation and citations? This is hard to believe since many years have passed since it was published.

This book is definitely not worth the time. With more embellishment, what a movie it could be!

Mr. Winchester is a prolific author: Since the publication of The Professor, he's brought out about a book a year, and many more before that.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Free Movies at Mary Pickford Theatre, Library of Congress

By the Queen of Free

Yes, they are free.

No, you can’t just walk in and expect a seat if all the reservations are taken and there are no seats left. Call 202-707-5677 no more than one week ahead to make a reservation for no more than two shows.

Yes, without a reservation it is possible to get a seat since they are released 10 minutes before show time, but there are only 60 seats.

Last Friday night ”Rock Around the Clock,” released in 1956 in black and white was first up, and starred, of course, Bill Haley and the Comets.

In 25 words or less: The plot depicts the group’s growth from a small town band to the country’s most popular, led by a developing promoter who forms a romantic relationship with the young female dancer of the group, complicated by money and “another woman.” (Well, all right: 40 words.) Imagine. Who in 2008 is watching this for plot?

Moviegoers want to hear and see the music, and we were satisfied. You rock in your seat and love it. Who were Freddie Bell and The Bellboys? Just hearing their name suggests music which was delightful, and their antics! Try “riding” a base, why don’t you? Why didn’t they “make it”? Maybe they did, and I just never heard of them.

Anyway, the original Platters sing several numbers in their distinctive style showing their grace and class. Wikipedia lists the songs sung in the movie.

The second feature, “That’ll Be the Day” also features 1950s music and stars David Essex who delivered an incredible, magnificent performance. Good night; I am still thinking about the movie two days later.

Remember the song? I always associated it with a happy message. Not! Music of the 50s era infuse the movie throughout. It is a British film set along a coast, and several paintings came to mind while watching the show. Have I ever seen a British film I didn’t like?

Although it was produced in 1973 , the cinematography, the sepia tones, the quick changes from one scene to the next, give it a contemporary air. The acting and direction are absolutely superb.

It’s a haunting story about a characterless, shallow man raised by a single mom. Through flashbacks and chronology his life from a young boy to a 20-something evolves, and he always takes the low road. The movie is quite disturbing about his lack of moral fiber which never improves. Ringo Starr plays a major part in about one-third of the film and performs flawlessly. Despite the dark nature of the movie, I found it astonishing , and evocative of personalities encountered today. Highly recommended!

These two movies are part of the series devoted to films before the Beatles (but 1973 came after the Beatles' advent). Check out the schedule for other upcoming films, but please: Do not take my seat. Thank you. (September is included in the schedule section "July - August 2008".)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tour de Jour: The Park Service NOT at FDR

By the Queen of Free

One night last week I went to a walking tour at the FDR Memorial.

It was a free tour, one of the many free things to do which is hosted by the National Park Service. I found it on the Web at "Cultural Tourism DC."

That day I called the National Park Service to make sure someone would show up. After some fumbling around and several questions asked of me about the tour from the Park Service employees, the NPS folks "found" it and said yes, someone would be there to lead it.

It's a long walk from my office to the FDR Memorial, but I certainly needed the exercise. And the information from a Park guide about FDR. I don't know enough about him.

But I wanted someone to show up. That was the reason to go, no?

No one came.

Three of us waited at the appointed hour of 8 p.m. at the beautiful, the crowded (even at night, but it's so spread out and big, who notices the people?) FDR Memorial for the hour's tour. After 15 minutes two of us left to explore the memorial on our own. At 8:25 p.m. I saw the third of our group still waiting on the bench.

The Park Service was certainly apologetic the next day.

Why does it post tours that, seemingly, none of its employees know anything about? Why are tours posted on a Web site which do not happen?

Another tour was scheduled for Friday night for a two hour evening tour of the Mall. Even though a Park Service employee told me someone would show up to lead that one, too, how could one be sure? Was it worth a wait downtown until 7 p.m. to find out? I nixed the possibility.

Yes, it is free; yes, the Park Service is poorly funded, but why promote something that's not going to happen? It creates frustration and unhappiness among those interested, not to mention negative comments on a blog.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Movie: "Man on Wire"

92 critics can't be wrong.

Are you familiar with the "tomatometer"? The film critics' site, "Rotten Tomatoes"? Few movies score 100% on the "tomatometer" which means "thumbs up" by all participating critics, and "Man on Wire" is one!

Go see it! Just fantastic.

The story, the score, the tension, the everything.

A documentary and thoroughly entertaining. Not a chick flick; not for the squeamish or "fluff bunnies," or acrophobics. You will grip your seat; you will gasp; you will laugh. Although you know the ending, your palms still sweat.

Philippe Petit's "words of wisdom" at the end are worth the price of admission. And if you are curious about the construction of the World Trade Center towers, many scenes of their construction are screened throughout.

Bravo, Philippe Petit, the star, James Marsh, director, and Michael Nyman, music director! I can't wait to buy the CD.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Movie: 'Mamma Mia'

Moviegoers and Mama lovers, this is not for those who've seen it on stage. Yes, it is as bad as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CBS reviewers claim.

The theatre version is so lovable, you want the movie to entertain and enthrall like the play, but, alas, movies are seldom as good as the stage, and this one follows the pattern.

My cousin called it “camp.” Yes, it is “camp” all right. It is so camp that audience laughter is rampant when Pierce Brosnan sings. Especially in "S.O.S." He was a super trouper to have tried this and must have earned money, money, money for taking the chance. Meryl Streep's singing is almost as bad. The girl (“Sophie,” Amanda Seyfried) has a stunning voice, the only one which works on a professional level.

If you can put aside your musical ears and take a chance on it, you may likely spend a pleasant two hours if you paid the matinee price. And if you are a chick, for “Mamma Mia” is strictly a “chick flick.”

My pal, Rita Faye called it “the best movie I’ve ever seen in my life!” Well, you can only imagine what she has seen (or not seen).

Despite all the criticism that the female stars are too old, their ages made no difference to these dancing queens.

There’s no need to pluck the plot since there isn’t one. You’re reading this since you like “Abba,” right? That’s the plot. Beware: The songs will stick to your mind like brain plaque.

Location expenses will win the Oscar for the lowest location costs for a large-scale movie, since 95 percent of it takes place in a Grecian urn, whoops, Grecian inn. Dear reader, the money saved was not used on voice lessons. It's only money, money, money, honey, honey.

Must reading: The Times’ review by A. O. Scott. (Link above.) It is one of the best movie reviews and should by studied by theatre students everywhere. You need to laugh out loud? Take a read.

In Santa Fe on a Monday night, the audience was a respectable 50 persons or so. Not bad for a camp out night. Based on the number of theatres still showing it locally several weeks after opening, the winner got it all. Thank you for the music.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Crime at the Nats Game

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon yesterday to take my out-of-town family to a Nats game and join friends. For unprofessional fans, our seats were great! Section 202 in the shade on a hot day.

It was our first visit to the glorious new stadium and everything went well, even spreading out with stroller, grand baby, and daughter at the nearby concrete platform with railing to watch the game from a distance and enjoy our picnic of Nats' dogs, chicken wings, fries, water and cold beer.

Everybody was happy and the Nats won! 4-2 vs. Cincinnati. My 16-month-old grandson clapped his little hands and shouted with the crowd.

My pleasure in ball games involves dogs, beer, good conversation, and an occasional look out on the field to see what's going on. I went for my last and second beer of the day to a nearby food stand and gave the cashier $20.50 for a Bud Lite (yes, no Happy Hour pricing), and she gave me $13.00 in change. She then picked up the $1 bills from the drawer, leafed through them, finding a $10 bill in the 1s, and stuffed about $12 in her right shorts pocket. Then she stooped and stayed hidden by the counter top.

Should I have reported it right then and there? To whom? Caused a commotion at the bottom of the sixth in the stands? I pondered: If the transaction was recorded in receipts, and several people have access to the cash drawer, who is charged with stealing? Is anyone? Or are shortages common? It would be easy to avoid ringing up cash purchases by pouring beer from the tap. Who would know? Perhaps employees are instructed to stuff bills in their pockets when the till gets full. Calling Mr. Ethicist.

The government money crimes in D.C. are unceasing and revolting.

Last year I boarded bus 5A at Dulles en route home and watched the bus driver stand and collect $3 in cash from each rider. If exact change is required, why was the bus driver collecting it? I thought drivers were not supposed to handle cash. I reported that one.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Classy Contemporary Art at Zenith's Alternative Gallery

By the Queen of Free

The new show, “Reincarnations,” which has opened in the lobby, the “Sculpture Space,” at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue is not to be missed. So much to love!

Curated by Linda and Steven Krensky for Zenith Gallery, the show’s stated description is: "Mixed media works created from found objects” and recycled materials.

It is so much more than anticipated and entertaining in every way.

There's a full-scale woman with a school bus as part of her arm on a discarded bicycle, multiple glass lens from sunglasses which hang like wind chimes , rows of combs, lamps, sculptures, musical instruments. It is all marvelous and serves up much to an art lover on any scale to savor and admire the creativity and genius of the participating artists.

Caitlin Phillips made handbags from books. “Cleo,” the cat is made up of blue and gold ceramic pieces by SuAnne Lasher. A “room” at the entrance of the exhibit almost becomes part of the office building itself, until closer inspection from a distance (what ?) reveals old, recycled signs are its walls, providing enlightenment. (Sorry, I didn't get the artist's name! To add.)

Jane Pettit’s sculptures including a mermaid and three frogs made of mosaic tiles at the end of the space deserve to be moved out further in the gallery to allow visitors distance to more easily admire both sides.

Kristin Eager Killion, John Pack, Randall Cleaver, and Irma Spencer are some of the other 43 artists who participate.

At the crammed opening Wednesday evening, it was an “avant-garde” (or as much as one can be described in stuffy Washington, D.C.), mostly older Baby Boomer crowd who loved it all (or most of it anyway) and seeing old friends and artists in a welcoming venue, the lobby of an office building (or what appears to be a lobby). How refreshing to be around an "event" in D.C. where the majority of the crowd was older than 30. Anyway...

The show is open until September 28 on weekdays (office building hours from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., or “on weekends by appointment”; call 202-783-2963).

Prices for all pieces are listed. Were there any "NFS"? As usual, I found myself wishing that my income was much bigger so that I might buy a piece or two.

The press release says some of the artists are college-trained, and others, self-taught. Whatever! The pieces serve to pique the mind in wonderful ways. I shall return!

Smithsonian Class V: Christianity: Holy Pilgrimages

It is likely because I am a Christian and am more familiar with its “sacred sites” than the other religions, that I found the “Christianity” lecture to be the least interesting of the five presented by the
Smithsonian Associates in its "Sacred Spaces and Spiritual Journeys” series.

It was not that Anthony Tambasco, professor of theology at Georgetown University who gave the last lecture, was boring or tedious in any way. Far from it. My eagerness to learn a little about the Islamic faith and Buddhism were factors, and I was least attracted to Christianity. Anyway!

He showed class members 60 slides of sites and maps of the Christian faith, providing as much detail as 90 minutes (with questions) would allow. If you can’t go to these “sacred places,” seeing them in color photographs with a bit of their background explained by a renowned teacher is certainly a satisfactory substitute.

Professor Tambasco divided “Christian Pilgrimage” into segments: "Life As A Journey"; "Prayer, Petition, and Praise"; "Penance"; "Purification"; "Rededication"; and "Imitation."
With “prayer” Christians need to ask for healing, he said. “Penance” includes the hardships and choices Christians make during the “pilgrimage of life” while “purification” acknowledges sinfulness, confession, and renewal.

Byzantine Christians selected many of the Christian sites which lay atop former Byzantine churches, Professor Tambasco said. The size and scope of the land Jesus traveled was actually not that big. Professor Lambrusco pointed to a map of Jesus' travels from Galilee to Jerusalem to Golgotha off and on throughout his lecture.

The supposed site of Jesus' birth is now “very touristy,” and it is a difficult place to pray because of the numbers of people, yet the mountain of the “Sermon on the Mount” now managed by Italian nuns, is quite peaceful and better for prayer.

Locations where Jesus performed miracles (Capernaum, the Tomb of Lazarus) were shown. Each gospel describes a different itinerary for Jesus, Dr. Tambasco said. John’s writings tell of Jesus’ ministry over three years; the others, only 1.5 years.

It is amazing that so many sites, and/or portions of them, remain. Some, like the sites of the House of the Last Supper and the Garden of Olives are not certain, yet the supposed locations approximate the actual places, Professor Tambasco said.

The sepulcher where Jesus' body was placed is generally accepted as the right location.

Suggested readings Professor Tambusco listed were his own, In the Days of Jesus: The Jewish Background and Unique Teaching of Jesus, and The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide by Jerome Murphy-O’Connor.

Would I sign up for the series again? Without a doubt. A new acquaintance said she and her husband would not, however, and she suggested an outline at the beginning of the series would have been helpful. Agreed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mark Russell at the Omni

Mark Russell for $20 ($22 with tax).

Yes, he’s worth it, political aficionados.

At the Omni Shoreham Hotel on Calvert Street…two shows every Monday night, at 7 and at 9.

For about 75 minutes (show started promptly on time when we went) he regaled the crowd in the private, masculine (but don’t let that deter you, ladies; the crowd was half men and half women) bar named after him where he plays the piano while telling jokes and singing original lyrics to the tunes of familiar numbers.

No politician escapes, especially Joe Lieberman, featured the day we went on the front page of the New York Times, and the New Yorker for its non-satirical cover everyone was talking about.

Barbs were cast on both sides of the aisle.


“Where will John McCain place his hand to take the oath of office?
Atop the New Yorker.”

“When Democrats tell lies before Congress, it’s called ‘perjury’;
when Republicans tell lies before Congress, it’s called ‘State of the Union.’”

The baby boomers? Who cares about the likes of them? Everybody! What a nation of whiners, indeed! (Mark Russell, a baby boomer – NOT, complained about the lack of attention he’s received: “Nobody cared about me when I turned 60,” he boomed. Wikipedia says he is 75.)

As a sure sign that Buzh is OUT, there were few wisecracks made about him, but, lo, Hillary and Bill? Aplenty.

McCain’s age? Sure. Obama’s ‘flip-flops’? Yes.

An attentive waitstaff serves drinks ($$; it is the Omni), and there is plentiful (free) popcorn.

The night we originally wanted to go was sold out, and when we got a reservation a week later, the bar was about half filled with tourists and residents (he asked), ages from teens to 90-somethings. (True! One in my group, 90, could pass for 70-something.)

For a few bucks, it’s an evening’s pleasure to spend with your political friends in a beautiful setting, the Omni, and hear content which will make even the silent, howl.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rocking out with The Rev. Al Green !

If you like only two notes of Al Green's music, you won't be hurting to rush, rush to his nearest concert. What a stupendous, captivating, magnificent show The Rev. Green gave at Wolf Trap Tuesday night.

The Washington Post story by J. Freedom du Lac pretty well ignored the reaction of the crowd and the pure delight we experienced with nonstop dancing at our seats and in the aisles at what was likely a sold out show.

We rocked, we danced, we clapped, we swayed to the beat, we sang along, we threw our hands up in the air. Seats? Not needed.

The music! Goodness gracious! We sang along with most everything, and Al and the crowd didn’t seem to care since his voice was so loud and melodious it wiped ours out: “Love and Happiness,” “Let’s Stay Together,” "Here I Am," other big ones; a dash of Otis, the Four Tops, the Temptations, and some new ones from his latest album, “Lay It Down.” Oh, my.

The mood and sounds of the combination of the happy, enthusiastic crowd and The Rev. Green singing “Amazing Grace” is too difficult for me to describe. I’ve got to rush out and get his gospel recordings before they sell out.

If it can be believed, The Reverend's voice is better than decades ago, and he can still reach those way high notes and hold them forever.

A tuxedo, the Post said? Not the traditional tuxedo you might expect from the word but a fancy three-piece suit, with vest, lavender shirt and matching tie.

Throughout the evening, the Rev. Green frequently took off the jacket, only to put it right back on. He came out in long white (nylon?) gloves which he kept on for about a third of the performance before he threw them out to the crowd. He wore sunglasses which he never removed.

And the roses! Has anyone told you about the roses? All night he threw out long-stemmed red roses to the females close to the stage. And kissed some of the adoring women. (The terrific photo by Richard Lipski in the Post story is worth a look.)

His band included two female vocalists, three men on electric guitar, an organist, a pianist on electric keyboard, two horns, one sax player, and two percussionists. That this was an entourage from a minister was obvious since the females wore no skimpy, revealing costumes but dull suits with pants. You would have thought they were lively K Street types.

The two dancers on stage were young males who perfectly performed their choreography synchronistically and often changed outfits.

The Rev. Green frequently moped his brow, and the perspiration twinkled in the lights and in the night, much like the stars in abundance on the heavenly night.

The evening began right on time with a 45-minute set by jazz, blues, and folk guitarist and composer Amos Lee, a former elementary school teacher, who was interviewed this morning on NPR's Weekend Edition by Scott Simon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Smithsonian Class IV: Buddhism and Bodh Gaya

Is a Buddhist an atheist?

A student in the fourth of the Smithsonian Associates’ series of classes, “Sacred Spaces and Spiritual Journeys,” wanted to know.

The lecturer, Robert DeCaroli, an associate professor of history and art history at George Mason University said “no”; however, some might term Buddhism an agnostic faith. The religion does not honor a single deity.

Wikipedia says estimates vary about the number of people calling themselves Buddhists: between 230 and 500 million.

Buddha was born a prince in what is generally accepted as Nepal in and around the fifth century BC. He was named Siddhartha, and his father, a king, wanted his son to follow in his footsteps but as life seldom goes according to the parent’s plan, the son chose otherwise, Dr. DeCaroli said.

His father created an idyllic compound for his son’s living quarters, wanting to shield him from life’s turmoils. Before Siddhartha was 30, a chariot driver took him outside the compound where, in the “real world" Siddhartha experienced the “Four Sights” which affected him deeply, giving rise to Buddhism.

He witnessed an old man suffering the culprits of aging; he saw disease and death, and he saw how a hermit lived. Siddhartha lived a hermit’s life for a while, realizing that his deprivations (hunger, suffering) made such heavy demands upon his body that he was not able to concentrate and bring about improvement.
He believed that life is suffering (anxiety, unrest, uncertainty) produced by desire which, if broken, can mean happiness.

To help overcome anxiety he adopted meditation and, at the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya in India, now a shrine, he received “enlightenment.”

It is almost certain that a portion of the tree with its roots remains in the tree which lives on the site today. The tree attracts Buddhists from around the world who come to the site and the nearby Mahabodhi Temple on pilgrimages.

The Temple is believed to have been built around the first century, and was rebuilt In the 1870s by Sir Alexander Cunningham, a British architect. A tree does not exist in photographs of the Cunningham period, Professor DeCaroli said.

Several Buddhist temples and monasteries built in style of the original Mahabodhi Temple may be found throughout Asia, many containing the famous Buddha statue.

Throughout his presentation Professor DeCaroli showed numerous pictures of the temple, the Buddha statue, and maps generating many questions from students. He said Bodh Gaya is “an international place.”

The series ended on July 16 with “Christianity: Holy Pilgrimages.”

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Party at the Phillips

Was there a party going on?

It sure seemed like it Thursday evening at the Phillips Collection, with a young lawyers association taking a private tour of the Jacob Lawrence Migration Series, the Brett Weston lecture in the auditorium, and the Gallery Talk on Vincent van Gogh's and Pierre Bonnard's paintings. Whew!

It was a race to get to all the places, paintings, and lectures I wanted to see and hear.

First off, the Brett Weston lecture, presented by the curator of the show, Stephen Bennett Phillips (any relation?), at 6:30 p.m. was delivered not only to a SRO crowd in the large, nice, new auditorium which seats 180, but also to a SRO crowd in a nearby overflow vestibule which heard the lecturer on remote and saw Weston's photographs on a large screen like the viewers saw them in the auditorium.

The Phillips' Brooke Rosenblatt wrote me the count was 197. Not bad for an art lecture in Washington, D.C. on a Thursday evening in July.

The retrospective show is entitled: "Brett Weston: Out of the Shadow" and will travel to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art after it ends at the Phillips September 7. Mr. Weston (1911-1993) was a photographer of the Southwest like his father, Edward Weston (1886-1958) who also has some art in the exhibit. It's interesting to compare the subjects and styles of father and son, black and white, stark photographs.

Edward Weston, whom Wikipedia calls one of the "greatest photographic artists" of the 20th century, was "almost" a manic depressive, Mr. Phillips said, and his illness is evident in some of his photographs (a dilapidated car, a chair). He was later struck by Parkinson's disease.

Brett Weston's photographs "pushed abstractionism" which Mr. Phillips mentioned several times. Brett Weston joined the Army in 1943, working in the Signal Corps as a photographer in New York City where he practiced and honed his art. On his way to a post in Texas, he was "transformed" by the white sands he saw, and some of his best shots are of contrasts in shadows, sand, and silhouettes. He loved California and the West Coast.

He wanted to shoot photographs of things "as they were," Mr. Phillips said. Many of his photos include sun and water and a empty, dark center. He was married four times, the longest marriage lasting four years, and his career, not surprisingly, took precedence over his wives.

When Mr. Phillips' presentation ended, I flew up three flights of stairs to find the “gallery talk” at 7 which took some doing since none of the five staff members I asked, knew where the group was. A new acquaintance, also hunting the gallery talk, and I were quite happy to eventually locate the talk already underway.

Standing in front of the first of three paintings of southern France and the Mediterranean which she described in the half hour talk, Lois Steinitz was engaging, informative, and delightful, and the crowd grew.

She began with Pierre Bonnard’s “The Open Window,” then his “The Palm,” and lastly, "The Road Menders" by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1880). Leading us from one painting to another, she contrasted the differences in the colors the painters selected: Bonnard’s bright and sunny scenes; Van Gogh’s, mute and practically monochromatic choices. Until she pointed them out, I was unaware of the "anthropomorphic" characteristics in the "Road Menders," and suddenly, the trees and lamppost came alive as people. The trees grew arms and legs, sometimes four, right before my eyes. (All it takes is an "awakening.")

Bonnard (1867-1947) inserted his wife in many of his paintings, and there she was: hidden in the right corner of “The Open Window” and standing, like a ghost holding an apple (suggesting Eve, Ms. Steinitz offered) at the front of the otherwise colorful “Palm.”

A truly captivating evening for art lovers and well worth a Phillips membership or single admission price. Did I mention the Diebenkorn show?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Play: 'Mamma Mia' at National Theatre

For sheer entertainment, really, what could be better? Singing, dancing, fun, frolics, and costuming. Who cares about a plot? It’s the songs of Abba and dancing we came to hear and see, mind you. Disappointments? What? Not here!

One test I administer to good productions: Would I see it again. Yes and yes! I saw it in D.C. when it was last here two (three?) years ago. Yes, I would have gone back the next night if money were no object. What more can I say? We got the “cheap” ($42.50) seats but were able to move up to the $71 seats at intermission. What price entertainment?

The movie is coming next week, and it is difficult to imagine Meryl Streep as Donna, but who cares? I can’t wait to see it! On Sunday the New York Times made the movie sound even better than I could have ever envisioned. Still, live and on stage…where it's been for years in New York, London, and in Las Vegas, the Times said.

It is hard to leave the theatre without dancing your way down (up) the aisles. Three days later and “Dancing Queen” continues to play joyfully in my mind.

My friend said the audiences in New York and Chicago sing along with the music and dance in the aisles. Alas! And sniff,…this is Washington, D.C., if you please, where self excitement is contained...usually.

And, besides, we moved…a little, especially at the end… when it occurred to me that we all, every last woman in that hall, were living in yesteryear, for one brief evening when we were 17, and I was a Dancing Queen:

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music,
getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music’s high
With a bit of rock music,
everything is fine

You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the

You are the dancing queen,
young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the
You can dance, you can jive,
having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene,
dig in the dancing queen

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Live from a Pentagon Hill: Fireworks Fiasco on the Fourth

By the Queen of Free

From atop the hill behind the Pentagon, below the Air Force Memorial, we joined hundreds of others to see the Fourth of July fireworks display on the Mall Friday night.

We waited for what seemed like double the 45 minutes until the fireworks blasted away. The throng on the hill "oohed and aahed."

The chorus of sounds reacting to the sights from a distance didn't last long, however, for the fireworks were quickly engulfed by a huge mushrooming black cloud which immediately began to cover the show. Was it smoke from the fireworks? It grew bigger with each blast. Have you ever seen fireworks covered up? Nor had we.

Within minutes, the only thing to be seen was a bare periphery of the color and majesty. The sound of silence from the big crowd was stunning. A drizzle began and umbrellas went up. Before five minutes passed, hilltoppers packed up belongings and families, and headed away, down the hill, to drier spaces. What reason was left to stay?

Among those around us, we agreed that like everything else going wrong in our country, the big black cloud was certainly George Buzh's fault. It had to be. Didn't he ignore Kyoto and make fun of global warming? At least, until it affected an animal with which he is familiar: the polar bear. The black cloud was certainly related to global warming.

On the other hand, it could also be perceived as George Buzh's liftoff from Washington, D.C., and for that we are grateful. "So long, Buzh," we exclaimed, clapping "high fives" with our new friends on the hill. Next year, the cloud will be gone.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The 2008 Cowboy Census in D.C.

By the Queen of Free

Music, dancing, and fun galore at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the Mall...

Never were there so many cowboy hats in one place in D.C.: 4.

The Washington stuffed shirts? Not there. And it's a good things, too, for this crowd was having too much fun to be slowed down by the likes of political sad sacks. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? What? There's an election when?

At the Texas Dance Hall the audience was 95% tourist, all bedecked in their tourist apparel, dancing the evening away on Wednesday night to the likes of Texas musicians whoopin' it up big time.

Dance floor ages: six months to way beyond, all having a great time. Heads and feet of the chair sitters and those along the periphery, a bobbin’ in time with the blues music. The music crowd was bigger on Thursday night, but the dancin' music was not as inviting, what with Bhutan music, costumes, skeleton dances, and the talented, delightful Mariachi Los Arrieros to perform and play.

Kicking up those heels, guzzling beer (restricted to which areas?), listening to zydeco, the blues, all live, all entertainment. What more could a person ask? (Well, ahem, about those canned kidney beans, and, please, could we have limes next year with our Coronas?)

The thrill is not gone.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" Opens Briefly in Bethesda

By the Queen of Free

Thank goodness for Montgomery County’s Heritage Days.

Last weekend the annual festival offered a terrific opportunity to visit the officially unopened site of the setting for “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” where Josiah Henson, “Uncle Tom” in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s bestselling novel of more than 150 years ago, lived and worked for 30 years (1795-1825) at the Riley house and farm on Old Georgetown Road.

Earnest, energetic tour guides from the Montgomery County Department of Parks conducted visitors throughout all parts of the home, answering questions and offering important known details, reading from index cards.

From a screened porch which served as the “holding room” for last weekend’s guests on the hot, muggy Sunday, visitors followed the guide into the air-conditioned house on 30-minute tours, stopping in each room to listen to descriptions of the history of the house, deplete of furniture (unless kitchen counters count).

My group, walking up and down the stairs, seemed humbled and awestruck to be inside the home with its unraveling history.

Telltale reminders of the modifications made in the mid 1930s by the owners at that time exist (wallpaper, bathroom, room sizes). A few descriptions and renderings of the possibilities of uses of the home during Mr. Henson’s life are posted here and there on the walls of the various rooms, and in the log addition which may have been the kitchen Mr. Henson described in his autobiography

Mrs. Stowe based her novel on Mr. Henson’s autobiography, The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada, as Narrated by Himself which was published in 1849. The tour guide recommended both books which are quite different from each other, she said, and she read aloud small portions of Mr. Henson’s book to Sunday’s visitors including Mr. Henson's description of the deep wounds he saw on his father who suffered at the hands of a cruel slave owner who had also attacked Mr. Henson's mother.

Early in 2006 the Montgomery County Planning Board bought the house from private owners for $1 million, according to Wikipedia, and it will take until 2012, the guide said, before the house is restored and opened to the public.

Shouts and splashes from a nearby family’s swimming pool hidden mostly by trees in the back yard were reminders last weekend that the former 500-acre Riley farm had been reduced to a single acre, with life soon to return to the Riley house, too, and acquaint present day onlookers with glimpses of Mr. Henson's life 200 years ago.

Committees of historians, architects, landscapers, archivists, planners, and others are now conducting serious research in order to restore the property as authentically as possible to that of Mr. Henson’s lifetime. More than 550 artifacts have been uncovered in the minute investigation of the property. Tree rings and paint can reveal important information, the guide said.

If you "Google" "Uncle Tom's Cabin," another site comes up, too: In Dresden, Ontario, Canada where Mr. Henson and his family lived for many years after he fled his servitude in Maryland via the Underground Railroad in 1830.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rush! Renwick Jewelry Show Closes July 6

By the Queen of Free

Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection organized by the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston

More than 275 pieces created by artists from around the world are included in a glittering exhibit which is delightful in every way at the Renwick Gallery

Unless the wearer is a giant, I do not believe this is jewelry made to be worn but to admire and wonder about the artists’ perspectives and creativity.

From the “Conventional Weapons Necklace” (just imagine) by Nancy Worden to the brooch, “Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil” by Judy Onofrio, which includes a tiny colorful cameo of Abraham Lincoln and the three monkeys in common crouch with serpents intertwining the pin’s borders, this is an stunning show which entertains gloriously.

Many brooches, some necklaces, a ring stand, and a few bracelets (can you guess what the “Gold Finger” bracelet looks like?) are included in this show of contemporary adornments. I did not see any earrings or body piercings.

Some of the most fascinating necklaces are: “Sneak Necklace” of beads and thread by Joyce Scott, “Square Necklace” by Robert Smit, “Air Neckpiece” by Pierre Cavalan and one made of book paper by Janna Syvanoja.

Everything is absolutely incredible.

Since the gallery is open on the 4th, take your brood (the children will be almost as captivated as you) for a peak before you head to the Mall to see the fireworks show which will almost match the color and spark inside the Renwick.

You likely know the Renwick is a few steps from either Farragut Metro Stop, sits adjacent to the Blair and Lee houses on Pennsylvania Avenue at the intersection with 17th Street, N.W. down the street from the White House and Lafayette Park, and the show is free, mind you, free!

Another Smithsonian treasure. Hours are from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday – Sunday. You will love it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Smithsonian Class III: Islam: Mecca

They keep getting better. The lectures, the art presented.

Last Wednesday evening for 90 minutes Dr. Maria Massi-Dakake of the Department of Religious Studies at George Mason University described the history and practices of Muslims in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia to a spellbound class, one of five presentations delivered by different professors in the Smithsonian Associates’ series, “Sacred Cities, Spiritual Journeys.”

Dr. Massi-Dakake said only Muslims may enter Mecca and Medina, the No. 1 and 2 holiest cities of Islam, and restrictions on entry into them have become far more restrictive since September 11.

A once-in a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca (“Hajj”) is one of five duties (or “pillars”) required of Islamic members. (The pilgrimage may be excused if one cannot pay for the journey and is in debt, which Islam reproves, or if a person is old and lacks energy, in which case, a child, who has already satisfied the Mecca pilgrimage for herself or himself, may travel for the parent after the parent’s death.)

According to the Qur'an, Abraham built the “Ka’bah” shrine (meaning “cube” in Arabic) with stones from around Mecca. Islamic tradition says the Ka'bah goes back to Adam and Eve, Dr. Massi-Dakake said.

The Ka'bah is the most sacred place in Islam, which lies in the heart of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. The Ka’bah is built in an almost rectangular shape and has been rebuilt several times.

When Muslims pray throughout the world five times daily, they turn in the direction of the Ka’bah of Mecca.

Inside the Ka'bah is the “black stone” which, according to tradition, God gave to Abraham when the Ka'bah was built. It is revered by Muslims who, when entering the Ka'bah, try to touch or kiss the stone like Muhammad did. Some believe it is part of a meteorite. Professor Dakake showed the class a 14th century illustration of the “black stone” which can be found at

Mohammad was a follower of monotheism and established the true Islamic society in Medina. When he conquered Mecca in 630 A.D., he drove out paganism, including the idols at the Ka'bah. Mohammad is buried in Medina.

Between 1880 and the 1950 Mecca did not experience much change, however, during the 1930s the Saudis began major building improvements to the mosque surrounding the Ka'bah, and for the last 50 years vast expansion has occurred.

Before the 1940s probably 10,000 Muslims traveled to Mecca annually for the Hajj, but now, about two million Muslims make the journey every year, and many sleep in “tent cities” in the area. With so many visitors, it is not unusual for Muslims to die of the heat, and some are trampled to death.

Many countries have quotas of Muslims who travel to Mecca on special visas.

Mecca is more often associated with Abraham and his progeny since he founded it, Professor Massi-Dakake said. It is considered a “city of God.”

Islam does not have a “real purgatory." The word "Islam" means “submission” (to God) in Arabic, and is the newest of the major religions.

Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet but not the son of God nor do Muslims believe that he died on the cross.

The class members had lots of questions and interrupted Professor Massi-Dakake throughout her lecture, but she did not seem to mind. Responding to a question she recommended the following books for further study:
The Heart of Islam by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Islam: The Straight Path by John Esbosito, and Islam and The Muslim Community by Frederick Denny.

The two final classes remaining are: Buddhism: Bodh Gaya, India and Christianity.
(Thanks to Wikipedia for some clarification.)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Book reviews: 'Kite Runner' and 'Water for Elephants'

I tried; I really tried.

Rita Faye thrust Kite Runner upon me, and I got to page 72 before declaring “terminus”!

Ditto Water, however, I did not progress that far.

What is it about contemporary fiction that it is so bloody awful? I mean, do you suppose it’s because the intended readership is illiterate and is unable to comprehend more than two syllables?

Kite Runner is especially offensive, and is an affront to anyone having an education beyond the sixth grade. (I am sorry, Rita Faye.)

Several years ago the New York Times recommended The Alienist 
by Caleb Carr as one of its Top Fiction Books for whatever year it was. The few pages I managed to read convinced me that the book review pages of the Times are nothing more than pages given over to friends of the reviewer/the newspaper/the publisher/whatever in exchange for what? Let your mind soar.

A recent case in point: Last year’s Denis Johnson's Smoke Tree, whoops, Tree of Smoke. Rave reviews! Everywhere. Two friends rushed out and bought it (“I like the author so much,” said one). “Sniff” they both said afterwards. Not finished. Discarded. “So boring,” they said. “Nothing to it.” Hhmmmmm, what relationship, pray tell, does the author have to the reviewers? Do the reviewers even read half the garbage about which they write?

These books are so terribly written; it is a reminder of just how far the U.S. has sunk in terms of writing and English skills. And how meaningless book reviews generally are, as far as quality of content.

When there are so many “good” (i.e., classic, you know, the ones which e n d u r e ) books, all of which few have read? (List? You want a list?)

Can you imagine anyone even remembering The Alienist or Smokebomb five years from now, other than the sheer mediocrity of both? And the wasted money spent on them?

The last really good “contemporary fiction” book I read which has e n d u r e d was Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, published only 23 years ago.

Is it any wonder that advertising in book sections continues to fall, along with the number of pages, the number of readers of book review pages, the number of readers, and, the decline in quality of the written word? How low can we go?

Must we all become part of the mass?

Please let me know your recommendations for “good” contemporary fiction.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Smithsonian Class II – Hinduism and Vrindavan

It was lots better than the class taught the first week about Jerusalem. Then, Professor Jonathan Ray of Georgetown University showed little, if any, preparation and no art, with only a meager handout to share with the class of mostly senior adults.

Last Wednesday's class, "Hinduism: On the Earth and in the Heart" was led by a passionate professor, Graham Schweig from Christopher Newport University, whose love affair with all things of India was palpable and welcomed.

It was part of a series of five lectures, “Sacred Space and Spiritual Journeys,” offered by the Smithsonian Associates, each led by a different professor, at the Ripley Center on the Mall.

Music from India and low lights greeted students upon entry to the class, setting a pleasant stage for Dr. Schweig’s presentation about Vrindavan, "the most famous holy place of Krishna. " The talk focused on pilgrimages, not just to earthy places but the places in and of the heart which, Professor Schweig said, Hindus believe is the holiest place of all. And I believe he does, too.

"We all are humans whose tendency is to be a pilgrim in search of one's heart."

What we do in the 'outside world' affects our inside world and our own hearts. This generally is the basis for the Hindu faith, partially symbolized by the blue lotus flower which Hindus consider the most beautiful flower, and the peacock, both with circulating patterns and magnificent colors representing the outer world, the inner world, the innermost world and "the presence of the divine."

Professor Schweig showed many landscape photographs of India, and paintings and art of the divinity of Krishna and the Hindu faith. He described the creation of the word "Hindu": When the Persians invaded the area in the ninth century, they could not pronounce a river's name and gave it one they could pronounce: “Hindu.”

About 900 million people consider themselves Hindus, Professor Schweig said.

The remaining classes are about Islam: Mecca; Buddhism: Bodh Gaya, and Christianity: Bethlehem, Galilee, and Jerusalem.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Smithsonian Class: "Sacred Spaces and Spiritual Journeys"

Content supplied by Q+A is almost always better than what comes in a presentation.

At least, that's my experience at countless author presentations and lectures in and around D.C.

Last Wednesday night's lecture in the first of five classes about holy cities of major faiths offered by the Smithsonian Associates was no different.

Jonathan Ray, professor of Jewish studies in the Theology Department at Georgetown University, presented "Judaism: Beyond the Holy City." But, alas, no art! None shown! No pictures, maps, graphics, or charts. So disappointing.

So many opportunities to show the class of about 35 mostly senior citizens, a look at Jerusalem: The Western Wall, the only remnant of the Second Temple, the Temple Mount, the Mount of Olives Cemetery. I cannot believe that I was the only one disappointed. Depending upon membership level, this series of classes starts at $76.

Professor Ray said that many Jews today believe they are secular Jews. He gave brief histories of Jerusalem and the Jewish faith.

He talked for almost an hour exactly and then answered questions for 30 minutes.

England and France continue to resist entry of Jews to attend conferences and conduct business, using the Middle East situation as the reason for the rebuff which Professor Ray said he doubts is the real basis for the rejection.

He said it was increasingly difficult for Jews to live in Western Europe; however, Spain and Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe, especially Poland, are more welcoming. Many Jews are taking "spiritual journeys" to Spain and even New York City from the West Coast to see where their parents and grandparents once lived.

Answering a question, he said politics was part of religion (and vice-versa?) and includes culture, land, people. "What isn't included?"

About half the class members raised hands when Dr. Ray asked who had been to Jerusalem.

Different professors will lecture at each of the four remaining classes which are: Vrindavan, India (Hinduism), Mecca (Islam), Bodh Gaya (Buddhism) , and Bethelehem, Jerusalem, and Galilee (Christianity). They all meet at the Ripley Center on The Mall.

I hope the remaining professors have some art to share. Of any kind. The classroom is fully equipped for it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Tennessee State Society on Capitol Hill

It was the Annual Congressional Reception in the Mansfield Room at the Capitol.

An elegant, tasteful room although not as large as the one where the 2007 event was celebrated. And a smaller crowd, and smaller number of Congressional representatives, too.

Last year most all of the Tennessee congressional representatives attended, including both U.S. Senators who are Republicans, Lamar Alexander and then, the newly elected Bob Corker, now tardy for failing to submit his annual financial disclosure statement due in May. (He got an extension since all his "ducks were not in a row.").

Marsha Blackburn (R-Middle, West, and Northern Tennessee (gerrymandering, you know) was also missing in action, likely working repair on her own financial woes, including trying to answer some of the 33 letters she has received from the Federal Election Commission about faulty reports of her campaign finances.

Last week Congressman John Duncan (R-Knoxville) and Congressman Jim Cooper (D-Nashville) were the only representatives who did show up, and both engagingly addressed those present (who numbered about 60). They spoke highly of each other and applauded the relationships among Tennessee congresspeople who actually get along (mostly) and work productively together, unlike some other states, they said, which they did not name.

John Duncan, a conservative, is admired and well respected by Democrats, too, for his sincerity and his always fierce opposition to the Iraq War, even when it was popular to support it six years ago.

Jim Cooper is a Blue Dog, but I shall not hold that against him. He well represents his constituency.

An important no-show! Steve Cohen (D-Memphis), the incoming honorary chair of the Society, replacing Congressman Duncan, the 2007 honorary chair. Perhaps Rep. Cohen was dealing with the Washington Post since it ran a big story the next day on him and his opponent, Nikki Tinker, whom Emily's List is supporting..

Attending: Mostly interns or intern alums.
Average Age: Under 30
Dress: Suits
Food: Some hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine
Caucasians: 97%
Cost: Membership in the Society is $20/year. A great value for several parties throughout the year, usually funded by lobbyists.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

B o r i n g: The Manhattan Transfer at the Kennedy Center

From the Queen of Free:

I just don't remember their music and I thought I did. Anyway, it was a mind nummer. (Is that a word?)

It was music my grandmother would have liked. Wait a minute! I am a grandmother!

I was so mad at the Washington Post. It seemed like every single day it posted a notice about the free concert by the Manhattan Transfer at the KC. What? Did it need more people to attend? And then, of all things, on Friday the Post ran a photo, the nerve, in the weekend section promoting the performance! What was it trying to do?

Whatever, the likelihood of my securing a seat grew dimmer and dimmer as the week wore on. Thank you, Washington Post!

At Foggy Bottom, the line for the shuttle to the KC was at least 60 deep one hour before show time. I was so mad at the Post.

I walked to KC, arriving at 5:15 p.m and discovered one million people had arrived just ahead of me. Not only were all the seats taken, but people were sitting on the steps at the other end of the the Millennium Stage six miles away.

The Post had mentioned KC was installing screens for the special event and that it would observe half off Happy Hour prices for alcoholic beverages until 6 p.m. N o t. On my hike I stopped to quench my thirst, and the bartender gleefully reported: "The Post got it wrong."

Looking for a seat (step seats are better than floor seats) I stopped to ask one woman sitting on the steps if she had come to hear the Manhattan Transfer from six miles away, and she said, while wiping the sweat from her brow, that she had given up walking and had just collapsed.

She pointed to some seats in the horizon at the far end of Millennium Stage, and I hailed a taxi and took off.

Sure enough, although it was 40 minutes until the free concert began, I managed to get a seat right under the facing (from six miles) stage. When the show got underway the screens worked fine, and I could hear, but hear what? Do you mean to tell me I braved all these elements and rushed to hear lacklustre music? That's what it was.

The best selections: "A Tisket, A Tasket" and "Groovin'". The female who performed "scat" stole the show, if it could be stolen. I nodded off and upon awakening, joined some others stealing away before the end.

The Crowd: 97 percent, Caucasian; Average Age (no joke): 60; Dress: Whatever plus

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bette Davis in Town All Summer

From the Queen of Free


Bette Davis FOR FREE!

National Theatre at 1321 Pennsylvania Avenue is hosting a Bette Davis Film Festival all summer long. How gracious of it! (Why do theatres do this?)

But, hold on, you don't sit in the theatre. Read below.

"Now, Voyager" played June 2. Just divine, Ms. BD. Extensive, I mean, extensive notes on the movie were distributed beforehand along with a good one-page biography on Ms.D.

Upcoming: "The Little Foxes" (June 9), "Marked Woman" (June 16), "Jezebel" (July 7), "Dark Victory" (July 14), "The Letter" (July 21), "All About Eve" (July 28), "Mr. Skeffington" (Aug. 4), "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"(my favorite when I was 13 years old) (August 11)

If you go thinking you'll be sitting in the theatre, do think again. The movies play in the mezzanine where seating is, the positively hardest you can imagine: on the plastic chairs found at CVS. Take a pillow!

Anyway, to BD aficionados, this is paradise, or almost. The screen's not full but me thinketh I doeth complaineth too much. After all, BD is free...on the screen.

Get there early (before 6 p.m when tickets are distributed) to stand in line and get your ticket. Open seating began around 6:15 p.m. for the show at 6:30 p.m. No food or drink. Sitting in the front is the best, at least, in my opinion since seating is not elevated.

The crowd: Mixed race and gender; average age: 50; dress: whatever.

About 60 persons attended. Some seats were empty. Thank you, National Theatre!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Lincolns' Marriage

Perhaps it's because they are writers and not broadcast journalists that some authors have about as much life in them at author presentations as Hummer sales.

Last Thursday night at Olssons at Penn Quarter, Daniel Mark Epstein, also a poet and dramatist, described his latest tome, The Lincolns: Portrait of a Marriage. He didn't paint Mary Todd Lincoln quite as negatively as most, although he twice mentioned without explanation her being "committed" to Bellevue Sanitarium in 1875 for three months, and since no one asked about it the "Q + A" session which followed, I guess everyone else there knew why.

Mrs. Lincoln "showed a lot of signs of being bi-polar"; she had headaches and was high strung. (Ed's note: Sounds like menopause to me.) She was quite outspoken and commanded quite a bit of influence on President Lincoln.who had obvious flaws in the "father" department and was often distracted when dealing with family matters.

President and Mrs. Lincoln really did love each other, and Shakespeare and Robert Burns. Mrs. Lincoln was keenly interested in his career and, quite ambitious herself, wanted to be married to a President.

Washington society was "very suspicious of her when she came to Washington." Mrs. Lincoln went over budget with White House decorating which became a scandal. By 1864 she had become a liability to President Lincoln. At one point she was nearly indicted for treason for purloining one of Lincoln's speeches (I believe that's what Mr. Epstein said) which she gave to a newspaper friend. "She created false invoices to get more money to decorate the White House."

Before they married, they broke up for two years which contributed to Lincoln's depression. Her family was not supportive of her marriage to him.

No evidence exists to support the theory President Lincoln was homoerotic. He is one of the most carefully documented Presidents in history.

Based on the blurbs, the "experts" give the book a big "thumb's up," and I can't wait to read it. Let's support independent bookstores, all right? They are dying fast. If you want them to survive, buy your books here and skip Amazon. Speaking of...Olssons looks tired and needs more revenue to spruce it up a bit and engender some life, but, wow! That gazpacho in the restaurant! For the money, the best around. (A dollop of sour cream on top would make it even better.)

I would love to see a book about the positives of Mary Todd Lincoln for which it seems from all the biographies about the Lincolns, there are none.

The audience: 90% Caucasian, 60% male, average age: 40. All 20+ seats taken.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Measure for Pleasure" at Woolly Mammoth Theatre

The best part? The scene changes: Lots of quick action, movement, cute costumes, new props and frills.

After that, the costume design and hair-dos. Live! On stage! Marge Simpson!.

The sets were outstanding: so many and varied, the color! The lighting was effective.

Which leaves the content. Yes, the content. Ahim (intentional). Not! Boorish, sophomorish, and just plain dull. Written by a male for a male audience only. Or, at least, that was the first act, since that's all we saw, leaving at intermission.

Thank goodness I was there for "pay what you can." Towards the end of the first act the audience laughter was minimal and what could be heard was stilted. Woolly can't win them all.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rolling Thunder in D.C.

Willie Nelson was there! And there, and come to think of it, ..he was everywhere!

Or, at least, most of the riders looked like him: same age, hair, scarf, and gear. About half the motocyclists carried females on the backs of their bikes who waved and shot pictures of the bystanders, many of whom who cheered and waved back.

Many riders wore POW/MIA t-shirts to draw attention to forgotten soldiers.

Oh, what a glorious day it was! How could the weather, the temperature, the sky, have been any better?

One biker told me as many as 500,000 bikers , that's a half million, reader, were expected for the weekend. They came from all 50 states to commemorate the war dead, and it could be emotional, if you let your mind wander.

They rode fast and noisily up Constritution and around the mall to show their gratitude, sounding their horns and waving. From the south, the headlights came...non-stop.

As many as five flags streamed behind them, attached to their bikes, one, with ropes attached to the dash. Some of the flags were as large as billboards. Good thing the wind didn't blow the other way. Half a red Mustang and what looked like half a Hummer passed for motorcycles and were part of the parade.

Doesn't D.C. have a helmet law? Five riders or passengers, at least, were without helmets, including two children, riding with adults. Arms were uncovered. A Biker Mama told me a small accident could throw a passenger or a driver onto the pavement and rip off unprotected skin.

The scene on Constitution Avenue between17th and 15th had onlookers standing out in the street, unrestrained by police or fences (unlike between 17th and 18th), holding out their hands, hoping a biker or two would touch them. Unwary young teen males stood in one lane, their arms extended. Soon they were joined by adults wanting to pass the peace, and some riders slowed and did.

Looking up and down Constitution, north towards the museums and south towards the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the only visible traffic to be seen were rows and rows of hundreds of oncoming motorcycles, headlights flashing, moving north towards the museums, in the northbound lanes.

American flags on lampposts danced gaily in the wind: a modern-day scene reminiscent of Childe Hassam's flag paintings of New York City ("Fourth of July, 1916") which commemorates patriotism. where is our victory? Who are these supporting in the presidential race. They didn't strike me as Obama supporters, and I doubt many would support a woman, and even they, I hope, do not believe in a 100-years war, so who is their candidate? I hope they care and show their passion to end a war whose soldiers they honor are no more.

From the Rolling Thunder web site:

The major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to publicize POW-MIA issues: To
educate the public that many American prisoners of war were left behind
after all previous wars and to help correct the past and to protect future
veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing
in action. We are also committed to helping American veterans from all
wars.Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Members donate
their time because they believe in the issues we are working on.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Frida Kahlo Exits Philadelphia for San Francisco

Do not ever consider going to a "blockbuster" art show on the last day. The crowds, the lines, the time. Not worth it...uummmm, well, not every time.

Tickets were timed for entry, however, the museum still let in too many people at once, but since it was the end of the show, certainly “something” for viewers “rather than nothing” was welcomed.

On the final day of the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art I took the Chinatown bus (another story) from DC to see Frida. A great, but it seemed, a small, show. Maybe the crowds and the jamming in front of each canvas distorted my impression: that and the tiny size of many of the paintings. Reading about the art beforehand in Hayden Herrera’s splendid biography, Frida, I expected bigger canvasses because they do become, at least to this reader, "bigger than life," like magnets pulling my heartstrings.

With hundreds viewing the paintings in the crowded galleries, it was impossible to stand back and view them, but given the small size of most, it would not have been productive. If you waited, you could get up close which was necessary to see many of the details.

The paintings depict Frida’s short, sad but quite passionate life in chronological arrangement. The largest, "Two Fridas," is huge in comparison and one she painted for a competition. One of the most fascinating, “Suicide of Dorothy Hale," has a gruesome history which Ms. Herrera explains from a description by Claire Booth Luce who commissioned it.

Other notables in the exhibit: "Henry Ford Hospital," "The Broken Column," "Frida and Diego Rivera," "A Few Small Nips," "My Nurse and I," "The Dream," "Without Hope," "Sun and Life," "The Love Embrace of the Universe."

Many small intimate family photographs of Frida and her husband twice, Diego Rivera, which have never been exhibited or published are displayed.

The exhibit includes between 40 and 50 paintings, many self portraits, but where was the "Trotsky" self-portrait owned by the National Museum of Women in the Arts? Did I miss it? The exhibit is the first in the U.S. of Frida Kahlo's art in 15 years.

At the end of the show, guests were “dumped” into a mad Frida retail shop, complete with almost everything one could imagine about, by, and "of" Frida including clothes. The clothes! Magnifico! Many, full length, and all, colorful and stylish in keeping with the star of the show. (Who shares the proceeds with the museum?) Nothing seemed exorbitantly priced. Long lines at the cashiers’ gave one reason not to purchase, especially for those in a hurry.

Anyway, next stop: The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art from June 14 - September 18.

Side bar: I am in love with Philadelphia: The magnificent fountains, the statuary, the Phlash! Bus, the not-to-missed Reading Terminal Market ! Yes, even to return on the smelly, grungy, dirty Chinatown bus which lived up to its horrible reputation with its repugnant mobile restroom and dirty, unkempt waiting rooms with barking Chinese operators who speak, likely, deliberately, incomprehensible English, but the price ($28 RT) and the time (2.5 hours, almost on schedule) are right. Even without Frida, Philadelphia is too good to miss, yes, even on the Chinatown bus.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tom Hayden at Busboys and Poets

Hello Walls.

I hate to say it, but they were more interesting than Tom Hayden making an author's visit to Busboys and Poets Thursday night.

If his new book is anything like his delivery, throw out the sleeping pills. Zzzzzzzz.

Speaking in a monotonous tone with few dynamics or enthusiasm, Mr. Hayden, a name familiar to those who grew up in the 60s, read from his latest book, Writings for a Democratic Society: The Tom Hayden Reader which includes his works over the past 50 years. He spoke for about 15 minutes and then took questions from the 50 or so people gathered to see and hear an icon.

It was my first visit to the renowned coffee shop, and the walls were more intriguing than Mr. Hayden. Spread over one entire side is a mural of articles and images of revolutionaries (Bella Abzug, Nelson Mandela, and many others whom I could not see) plus framed art of more famous faces on the facing wall and three large drawings (Martin Luther King was one) facing the audience behind Mr. Hayden on stage. They were inspiring, enthralling and I felt rude staring so hard at them. My table mate, Glenn, told me the manager and owner, Andy Shallal, who was present, created the huge, fascinating mural. (Mr. Shallal in shirt and tie, stayed throughout Mr. Hayden's presentation, asking questions, and showing keen interest in the presentation.)

We sat in a carpeted "great room", the Langston Room, named after the venue's namesake, busboy and poet Langston Hughes. Wooden tables, low lighting, a tiled ceiling, and old-fashioned booths invited strangers to join strangers to carouse, drink, and eat before and during Mr. Hayden's presentation which made the evening all the more delightful. Table service was impeccable. I am always impressed by any restaurant which uses cloth napkins.

Mr. Hayden believes today's protests against the Iraq War are more effective than the ones during the Vietnam War (Ed's note: NOT), and likened the Iraq War to "an unspoken Christian crusade". Many evangelicals are embedded at the Pentagon, he said, and some call Muslims "wicked. They've taken over the chaplain's corps," he said. The Iraq War cannot be ended this year, and "it will probably take another five years" to get out. "Every five years there's a war."

Pressure to attack Iran is present in every possible way. "The neocons see this as their window of opportunity." If we don't (attack), the Israelis will. "We need to run the clock until November, but there's a danger between November and the inauguration. As it gets closer to the election, bombing (Iran) becomes more likely."

"The business of writing is to make people uncomfortable," Mr. Hayden said.

Crowd: 90% Caucasian, male and female in equal proportions more or less, average age: 32. All seats taken.

Tom Hayden was one of the "Chicago Seven", a co-founder of the radical group, Students for a Democratic Society, a member of the California state legislature (1982-2000), and the husband of Jane Fonda (1973-1990).

Busboys and Poets, a progressive, liberal, eclectic "think tank" bookstore and coffee shop is located at 2021 14th St. NW, between U and V streets, about a block from the U Street Metro Stop and also in Arlington at 4251 S. Campbell Avenue. There's a short, diversified menu with plenty of good food at reasonable prices. Its web site says sales proceeds go to a non-profit, "Teaching for Change". Ph. 202-387-7638

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Howard Fineman Promotes His New Book

Maybe it was the economy; or the location; or maybe it was the topic (Great American Debates); or maybe a surfeit of books about American politics in the Washington, D.C. area nowadays, but, whatever it was, Howard Fineman drew a crowd of fewer than 20 persons to his new book signing Wednesday night at the Tyson's Corner Borders bookstore.

When he spoke at Politics & Prose on Connecticut Avenue on the northwest side of town May 1, the crowd likely was double or even triple 20.

His title of his book is: The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Define and Inspire Our Country. Mr. Fineman is a columnist for Newsweek and a "pundit" who regularly appears on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews and "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann.

I got there too late for his book presentation. The Q+As are always the most interesting part, and I wasn't disappointed. The people who came were all senior citizens, average age, 65; all Caucasians, probably more males than females. The store was the least populated with customers that I've seen, and I'm a frequent visitor. Lots of empty seats.

Anyway, what did he say? No way, Hosea, that Condi Rice will be John McCain's running mate: Too much baggage and negative vibes which permeate the State Department, and lack of domestic policy experience.

George Bush is "too insecure intellectually and personally to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with him and who he doesn't know. I know him well and have covered him for years."

Obama appeals to a lot of Republicans.

The press went to sleep at the wheel after 9/11, and was bullied by the White House. The only Washington news outfit which reported events unafraid was Knight-Ridder: "Not the networks, not the New York Times." Mr. Fineman said an unnamed actress compared 9/11 for him to a "bad divorce" when judgment for several years afterwards was/is questionable.

Iraq: "I agree with Thomas Friedman with what he said this morning (in his column): We are in the Middle East where we are not loved, not respected. We're following Osama Bin Laden's play book."

"If we leave, the Iranians are going to come in and take over Iraq." (Ed's note: Well? So what if it does?)
"We were lied to. Colin Powell used up all his credibility at the U.N. He misled everybody. George Tenet is a buffoon. Cheney and all the others at the White House went to war against the C.I.A. No one asked about the consequences of our going 'in there' (Iraq)."

He reluctantly answered a question: "I know this sounds callous. I have to tell you, war is a great story" and it's much sexier (not his word) than no attack. When asked about the dwindling coverage of the war, Howard Fineman said: "The American people have become desensitized to it. They don't want to hear bad news."

I am as sure as rain that many, if not all the blurbs on the book jacket and most others, are written by persons who have never read the book which they acclaim. And when do these "authors" have time to write books? Not to single out Mr. Fineman, but I dare say many political books (and others) are written by "ghost riders" who sit down and slam something on paper just to get the damned things out to satisfy the publisher and earn money quicker. "Poor" Cindy McCain.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movie Review: "What Happens in Vegas"

Not exactly "Washington Speaks" but a lark of a film:

"What Happens in Vegas" is fun and lots of laughs! If you need a good escape, this is it. The only real negative is the schmaltzy ending which you begrudgingly anticipate, but up until the beach scene, and the kneeling, it is a hilarious film

I probably would have never seen it had I not read the Washington Post's great review. A friend said the New York Times panned it, but movie reviewers are usually old fuddy-duddies anyway, and who cares? I went, I saw it, I loved it.

How in the world can a male look better than Ashton Kutcher? He looks so much like JFK, Jr. I swear, girls, you can feel his arms wrapping around you, and that alone is worth the price of admission! (Demi: How did you do it? I want to buy your book!) I hesitate to label this a "chick flick", for it almost qualifies, but the males in the crowd will love it, too, for Cameron Diaz is eye candy for them ("treats for all").

Rob Corddry from "The Daily Show" and Lake Bell as sidekicks add tremendously to the movie. There's even "Saturday Night Live's" I can't think of his name who plays Cameron's significant other, and does a credible job, but Judge Dennis Miller seemed almost lifeless to me, but that's maybe the way he is anyway.

For a couple of surprises wait before leaving until the credits are rolling.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pat Summitt and Friends at the Army/Navy Club

There she was...the line was not twice but three times longer than for any of the others. And the others were males! I fully expected it and why not?

Pat Summitt, head basketball coach for the University of Tennessee Lady Vols, with her team has won the NCAA championship eight times, the winningest coach in all of NCAA history. There she was... signing pictures for the 300 or so Tennessee alumni who gathered last week at the sold-out event to see and hear the top UT coaches tell a few stories, answer question from the "voice" of the Vols, Bob Kesling, and poke fun and glamour at each other at the Army/Navy Club.

Philip Fulmer, the football coach since 1992, and Bruce Pearl, the men's basketball coach who has brought the men's game up to almost par with the ladies, were there, too.

Although guests were warned by e-mail ahead of time that only one autograph would be made for each person by each coach, all three graciously agreed to sign whatever you brought to be autographed just as many times as you wanted! One lady, a design artist for Gannett, brought her 2 1/2 year old son and his Smokey Bear and a basketball which Coach Summit, who looks 20 pounds lighter and ten times better in person than on the tube, happily signed, all the while conversing with each proud alum.

And if you didn't bring anything to sign, no worries: Color photos of each coach were supplied to eager participants. And there was no mention about a wavering football team, hungry for a better year than we've seen in a long time.

If Coach Pearl can't make it as a coach and there's no sign of that since he took the men's basketball team to No. 1 for the first time in history, he could certainly earn big bucks as a comedian for he's as genuinely funny as anybody you'd hear on the late night shows. He just completed his third year for the Vols.

He said that the night before the wildly popular UT-University of Memphis game (when the teams were ranked No. 2 and No. 1, respectively) where some fans were paying thousands of dollars for tickets, he told two players he wanted them to go with him the morning of the game to St. Jude's, the renowned children's cancer hospital in Memphis, to visit some of the children. When Coach Pearl went out to the bus early the next day for the visit to St. Jude's, there already seated on the bus was the entire team waiting for him. He said it was that kind of a team, that kind of a year.

A surprisingly good dinner of bar-b-cue on china plates atop tablecloths added to a fun evening on top of a hill with a view looking towards a gorgeous sunset outlined by long fairways and even a fox which crossed the paths of UT alums on their way up to the clubhouse. Most everyone had orange of some sort in their apparel or running through their veins.