The number attending the 2013 Tennessee and Mississippi joint state societies' fete for their cherry blossom princesses at Bobby Van's Grill Thursday night was about half what it was last year, probably due to the omission of a third state society which swelled the 2012 crowd (Alabama).
And maybe it was again lack of any munchies anywhere (not even little nuts or crackers at the bar),
Excuse, please, but "Goo Goos" (?) from Tennessee graced the tables.
For hicks unaware, Goo Goos are chocolate pieces loaded with nuts and marshmallows, sure to please most everyone, especially mixed with beer and wine (?). Guess you had to be there to taste.
Mary Lou Collector, one of the party people always present, said she has been a Tennessee delegate to the National Conference of State Societies for 49 years. A former resident of Copper Hill, Tennessee, Ms. Collector is a longtime resident of Washington.
Tennessee's cherry blossom princess, Ashley Kimery, is from Pasadena, California, and attends Vanderbilt. Apparently, the Tennessee State Society couldn't find any qualified native women from the Volunteer State to fill the bill and had to look elsewhere. Someone needs to contact Cong. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis).