Reviews and notices of events in Washington, D.C. including, but not limited to, the performing arts, speakers, authors, lectures, meetings, books, movies, cycling, hockey games, exhibitions, buildings, and an occasional post about other places and things.
Vienna's Halloween Parade participants got their first fright of the night when they lined up on Berry Street to face a green-headed monster lurking behind a fence/Patricia Leslie
And there to scare him off were library literary creatures (with decorated dog) to weave magic and witches brew/Patricia Leslie
Delegate Mark Keam of the 35th District outsmarted everyone with a horse-drawn carriage to safely transport his family away from scary monsters/Patricia Leslie
A loose cow was spotted drinking something besides milk (!) at the Vienna Business Association's pre-parade party at Jammin' Java. A property tag claimed the cow belonged to Sean Sinclair/Patricia Leslie
A pretty princess at the Vienna Business Association's pre-parade party/Patricia Leslie
Yeeks! How can anyone eat with these beauties staring at you? They were found at a Maple Avenue restaurant and bore resemblance to Vienna librarians/Patricia Leslie