Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1887, Van Gogh Museum
At the Van Gogh Museum, June 24, 2024/By Patricia Leslie
Vincent van Gogh, Cottage, 1885, Van Gogh Museum. The label says Van Gogh loved these homes, comfortable places which made their occupants feel safe and secure. Two families lived here, made evident by the two front doors. Vincent "deliberately set the scene at dusk, the time when the peasants have returned home after a hard day's work."
Vincent van Gogh, Head of a Woman, 1885, Van Gogh Museum. The label says the artist set out to paint a series of 50 "'heads' represent the peasants...who had been tilling the land for centuries. 'They remind one of the earth, sometimes appear to have been modelled [sic] out of it,'" he wrote.
Vincent van Gogh, Montmartre: Behind the Moulin de la Galette, 1887, Van Gogh Museum
Vincent van Gogh, Montmartre: WIndmills and Allotments, 1887, Van Gogh Museum. The label says he "derived the fresh, pure colours...from contemporary French art."
At the Van Gogh Museum, June 24, 2024, looking at of his!/By Patricia Leslie
Vincent van Gogh, Three Novels, 1887, Van Gogh Museum. The label says Vincent "attached so much importance to contemporary literature that he painted no fewer than four still lifes of modern French novels....The oval due to its unusual support, namely the lid of a little Japanese box."
Vincent van Gogh, Garden with Courting Couples: Square Saint- Pierre, 1887, Van Gogh Museum. The label says he called this park "'the painting of the garden with lovers.'...Van Gogh took liberties with the Pointillist technique....[and] succeeded in rendering the effects of a dazzling spring day....He too longed for a wife and a family, but he had 'the most impossible love stories.' He ultimately resigned himself to this situation; after all, he was devoted to his art."
Paul Gauguin, Clovis Sleeping, 1884, Van Gogh Museum. New to the collection.
Paul Gauguin, Clovis Sleeping, 1884, Van Gogh Museum.
Vincent van Gogh, View from Theo's Apartment, 1887, Van Gogh Museum. In Paris
Vincent van Gogh, In the Cafe: Agostina Segatori in Le Tambourin, 1887, Van Gogh Museum. Okay, some works are better known than others, like this one. Agostina owned this café which Van Gogh frequented. A woman in a café was a popular subject for artists, the label says.
Vincent van Gogh, The Zouave, 1888, Van Gogh Museum. A Zouave was a French soldier stationed in North Africa.
Vincent van Gogh, Gauguin's Chair, 1888, Van Gogh Museum. The label says this "unusual painting...can be understood as a portrait of the artist." Not long afterwards, the two artists "would quarrel fiercely and part ways." Van Gogh painted his own chair in blue and yellow.
Vincent van Gogh, The Hill of Montmartre with Stone Quarry, 1886, Van Gogh Museum.
Theo van Gogh's Cabinet, 1790-1800, Van Gogh Museum. This cabinet housed Vincent's brother's collection of prints and drawings, and later, Vincent's letters. After her husband, Theo, died, Johanna "took it upon herself to order and organise (sic) all these letters so that they could be published," all of the correspondence now at the Van Gogh Museum/By Patricia Leslie

Vincent van Gogh, Landscape at Twilight, 1890, Van Gogh Museum
Vincent van Gogh, Tree Roots (detail), 1890, Van Gogh Museum. The morning of his death, Van Gogh worked on this, his last painting, the label says, which was left unfinished due to his suicide by firearm. Although there is question regarding annoyances by neighborhood children and whether the artist did kill himself, the Van Gogh Museum states unequivocally that he died by suicide.

Moving on two days later to the Kröller-Müller Museum, did I say all the Van Goghs in the Netherlands were lesser-knowns? Not the case!
Vincent van Gogh, Cyresses with Two Figures, 1890, Kröller-Müller Museum. The label describes two women, which he added later, standing in a lovely landscape, but "the work is not about [them, according to the label], but about the row of trees behind them." Van Gogh wrote Theo: "'The cypresses still preoccupy me.'" He gave this painting to the Parisian art critic, Albert Aurier, "the first to write enthusiastically" about Van Gogh's work.

Vincent van Gogh, Interior of a Restaurant, 1887, Kröller-Müller Museum. The insides of cafés, bars, restaurants made good subject for impressionistic artists, including Van Gogh who did not identify this establishment. The label notes the high-hanging hat on the wall. Van Gogh didn't care too much for city life or its inhabitants (whom he called "decadent") and six months after finishing this, he left Paris for the quieter surroundings of southern France.
Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1887, Kröller-Müller Museum. The label says Vincent wrote to Theo: "'People say [...] that it's difficult to know oneself...but it's not easy to paint oneself either.'' Between 1886 and 1888, he painted about 25 mostly small self-portraits. Since he didn't have much money to pay models, Vincent painted himself.
Vincent van Gogh, Still Life with Jars, 1885, Kröller-Müller Museum.
Vincent van Gogh, Peasants Planting Potatoes, 1884, Kröller-Müller Museum. This was one of six renderings Van Gogh painted on commission for the dining room of amateur artist and goldsmith, Antoon Hermans. Initially, Van Gogh planned for two figures to be included in the work, but he added more people to please the buyer. The label says: "Van Gogh does not really manage to combine the figures into a whole."
A Van Gogh gallery, June 26, 2024 at the Kröller-Müller Museum with more room to enjoy art than found at the Amsterdam museum!/By Patricia Leslie
Vincent van Gogh, The Green Vineyard, (detail), 1888, Kröller-Müller Museum
Vincent van Gogh, Tree Trunks with Ivy, 1889, Kröller-Müller Museum
Vincent van Gogh, Girl Peasant Women Digging Up Potatoes, 1885, Kröller-Müller Museum
In the Netherlands they pronounce his name "Van Hoff," his popularity, never ceasing.
The National Gallery in London has just announced its major fall exhibition, the "once-in-a-century" Van Gogh show, Poets and Lovers, certain to attract thousands.
At the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, even with timed entry, the crowds surge, overflowing from the city's enormous tourist numbers. (Buy tickets online before you visit! One cringes to think what the crowds would be like without timed entry, and photos here show the crowd on a Monday. Pre-covid annual numbers of visitors to the museum were about 2.2 million of whom 85% were international guests.)
Neither the museum nor the Kröller-Müller Museum* about an hour southeast of Amsterdam in Otterlo, have many of the famous Van Goghs of which enthusiasts are familiar, and someone in my group complained that the famous Van Goghs were few and far between in the Netherlands.
Who cares when there was so much new to see?
Many of his self-portraits hang on the walls in both places. Artists who could not afford to pay models often settled for themselves in the mirror.
Depending upon your source, estimates about the number of Van Gogh self-portraits vary between 32 and 36.
The Kröller-Müller Museum says it has "the world's finest Vincent van Gogh collection" with the world's second largest Van Gogh collection of 90 paintings and more than 180 drawings (not all hang simultaneously) while the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam houses the world's largest Van Gogh collection, with more than 200 paintings (including Sunflowers, Almond Blossom, and The Potato Eaters), 500 drawings and almost all of his letters.
The Van Gogh Studio says its namesake turned out 900 paintings and many more drawings and sketches in his short art life of ten years (1880-1890. The Van Gogh Museum estimates 1,300 works on paper). At both museums, standing close to the works (most covered in unobtrusive glass), his massive brush strokes are striking. (Unlike Washington's National Gallery of Art which has automated devices to warn visitors they stand too close, sound devices in the Netherlands are human.)
Pictured above are Van Gogh works in the two museums which I found of special interest.
* A woman from New York City on my trip told me the Kröller-Müller Museum was the chief reason she had joined the Road Scholar group because it was the only museum which she had not visited, wanting to spend hours. On that day she skipped lunch (of vast importance to the rest of us!) to swoon in the Kröller-Müller galleries.
The entire collection at the Van Gogh Museum may be accessed here: Enjoy!