Delta Sigma Theta members march down Pennsylvania Avenue March 3, 2013 to commemorate the Women's Suffrage March 100 years ago on the same route/Photo by Patricia Leslie
On a cold and
blustery day, thousands of members of Delta Sigma Theta sorority from around
the world turned out to herald
the 100th anniversary of the Women's Suffrage March in Washington, D.C.

Delta Sigma Thetas from Arkansas on Pennsylvania Avenue March 3, 2013/Photo by Patricia Leslie

1913's march was quite different from 2013's. In 1913 a woman on a white horse led the women who were "jeered, tripped, grabbed, [and] shoved" and pelted with vulgar language by men along the route who were seemingly encouraged by police, one of whom, according to a report, said "women should stay at home where they belong."
Upon request from the chief of police who sought assistance in 1913 to help control the crowds, the U.S. Secretary of War authorized troop reinforcements. The women were forced by the crowd size to march single file in some parts of the route, and 100 were taken to hospitals. (Read more of the details here in a Library of Congress document.)

And Georgia. Don't forget Delta Sigma Thetas from Georgia/Photo by Patricia Leslie
Fortunately, none of that was observed today. "We've come a long way, baby," but we ain't there yet.
Delta Sigma Theta has more than 200,000 members and 900 chapters whose mission targets economic and educational development, international and political awareness and involvement, physical and mental health. On March 3, 2013, they talked the walk, strengthened by numbers, energy, and enthusiasm to never abandon the quest for common good.
Delta Sigma Theta has more than 200,000 members and 900 chapters whose mission targets economic and educational development, international and political awareness and involvement, physical and mental health. On March 3, 2013, they talked the walk, strengthened by numbers, energy, and enthusiasm to never abandon the quest for common good.

"Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" asked Delta Sigma Theta members from Germany and behind them, members from Hawaii said "Aloha!"/Photo by Patricia Leslie

"Anybody heya speak 'Suthern'?" Delta Sigma Theta members from Louisiana wanted to know, celebrating their centennial and the Women's Suffrage Centennial, too, on their walk down Pennsylvania Avenue March 3, 2013/Photo by Patricia Leslie

Stretching all the way to the U.S. Capitol, the crowd looked like it numbered more than 20,000/Photo by Patricia Leslie