Saturday, April 24, 2021

'Mole Agent' is dull...dull...s n o r e ....

Moviegoers, Mole Agent ranks near the bottom of my "Worst Movies I Have Ever Seen" list along with the dreadful Nomadland and the famed cat movie

I should have known from the title.

Save your time!  And your money!  

The only action here are the fluttering clothes on the line and the flowers waving in the breeze.

An old man becomes a resident at a nursing home, ostensibly as an undercover agent to find out whether the nursing home is as bad as some suspect.

Compared to the nursing homes I have visited, this place is the Taj Mahal (and not as lively as the marble and stones you find there). 

This is the inside of a grave.  

Let's go!

This is billed as a "drama/documentary," but I call it a drama for those who need a doc. 

Yes, yes, yes!  Actual residents are many of the "actors."  Does that make it any better?


Why did I go see it?  Good question.

#1. I was starved for a movie, any movie (and any movie is what I got).

#2. The audience rating at Rotten Tomatoes was an 84 (compared to the critics' 95) which was a big hint about the "action" to come because if you think about it (after I had seen it) the only members of the audience who'd pay to see this thing and rate it are those not interested in action!  

Get it?  Now, I do!  

And the critics!  The critics!  Why they'd give Nomadland a 94!  

I tell you:  A sleeping mole in a hole has more action than this. 

Ho hum, I suppose this has a market in the 15,600 nursing homes found in the U.S., and, as for the rest of the world, don't they care for their elderly besides stashing them in these horrible places?  


Dear Carla, this is not a movie for Thor.

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