Thursday, January 26, 2023

A 'Full Monty' comedy in Vienna

Appearing in Vienna Theatre Company's Monty Python's Edukational Show are, from left: Charlie Boone, Bruce Alan Rauscher, Peter Storck, Kevin Lukacs, and Bill Evans/Photo by Claire Tse 

I laughed and laughed.  After all these years, it was my first venture with "Monty" and his crowd.  

It won't be my last.

The Vienna Theatre Company   presents a lampoon of Monty Python's (Famous) Flying Circus, complete with sketches, songs and animation in an abbreviated  collection of some of the British troupe's crazy scenes.

Hilarious skits involving a parrot (PETA won't like) to a fine dining experience fill the stage in quick successions of all things ridiculous.   

"Election Night Special" is special indeed!  A "silly party"?  Aren't they all?

From left, the actors in this scene at Vienna Theatre Company's Monty Python's Edukational Show are Peter Storck, Charlie Boone, Benjamin Zimmerman, Bruce Alan Rauscher, Rachel Heffron, and Patrick Hogan/Photo by Claire Tse 

My favorite skits were the restaurant scene with its overworked staff and "who's got the cheese?"

Spam, spam, spam! That's all you fill me with! 

What better break from the depressing news of the day than to spend time with Monty and his gang of troubadours who take you on a twisted escape trip through a world of absurdity?  

We need it!

Thirteen actors spread the goods through 20 or so  scenes which meant about 80 different costumes charged to designer Lauren Brooks who pulled the huge number off with seemingly seamless effort.  

The experienced actors and their stage skills quickly become evident as one scene transitions nicely into another. And their love of theatre permeates the show which seems far shorter than 90 minutes (plus intermission).

Sets are minimal (by Adrienne Kammer, John Vasko, and Bill Evans with props by Kristy Dautant), and who needs 'em when your brain is flying fast to keep up with the rapid-fire dialogue?  

The backdrop "art work" must be by one of those new and upcoming AI artists, excepting the scenery from Vienna, of course, which brings it all home.

I think it takes a special kind of humor to "get" the full works by Monty. It sure helps to always look on the bright side, Monty or not.

Hold tight for a wacky night in Vienna! 

Cast members are Charlie Boone, Thomas Breen, Bill Evans, Shayne Gardner, Rachel Heffron, Patrick Hogan, Kevin Lukacs, Joe Neff, Steven Palkovitz, Bruce Alan Rauscher, Reece Smyth, Peter Storck and Benjamin Zimmerman

Writers: Monty Python, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam (also, animation), Eric Idle (also, music and lyrics), Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.

Other production team members are Eric Storck, director; Ann Storck, producer; Allison Shelby, music director; Emily Steindl, choreographer; Katie Boone and Nicholas Boone, stage managers.

Also, Ann McSherry, lighting; Rhett Russell, sound;  David Shelby, projections; Mason Shelby, animations;  Mary Ann Hall, program; Turner Bridgforth, graphics, and Jeff Storck, photographer.  

WhatMonty Python's Edukational Show

When: Friday and Saturday ni
ghts at 8 p.m. through Feb. 4, 2023 with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m., Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 2023.

Where: Vienna
 Theatre Company, Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St., SE, Vienna, VA 22180

Tickets: Online at Vienna, VA – WebTrac Ticket Search ( or in person at the Vienna Community Center during open hours or before each performance, if available. $15.  

Language: "G" with a sprinkling of a few adult words 

Audience: For teens and adults

Duration:  About 90 minutes plus one intermission  

For more information, please call: (703) 255-6360


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