Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Nashville rocks me baby, all night long ....

Before you go to Music City, better get some jean shorts and cowboy boots.  We didn't get the email in time to pack the right gear/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022
Downtown Nashville was "a-go-go" last week, jammed all over (and jamming!) on four floors of this restaurant and everywhere else on Broadway with music lovers/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 9, 2022

Dancing flowed from one bar to the next with live music galore!  Talk about a mixed sound!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022
Dance with me, Henry!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022

Another multi-leveled bar where everybody can hang out on Broadway/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022

In Nashville, you could even sit in a potato, like the woman here who's trying to climb out of one!  (Nashville has all kinds of new experiences.) The crew at the "Idahoan" promised free eatins', too, but, darlin', potatoes and margaritas do not a good mix make! It's drinkin' and carousin' I'm chasing right here on Broadway in Music City!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 9, 2022

Forget your boots?  Come on in and try on a new pair! I think the task for the guy on the left was to make sure the shop didn't get too crowded/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022
This was my favorite of the party trucks: bare-breasted men waving their shirts around in strip-tease fashion. Maybe it was a groomsmen party.  Whatever it was, it was a hearty party!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022

Nashville is a wild place, a mixture of Bourbon Street and Times Square on New Year’s Eve, with lots of country music thrown in, and bridesmaids galore!  We saw seven or eight (the number got so high, it was hard to keep up) bridesmaids' parties, identified by their matching outfits, some in purple and white jeans, the bride often wearing a long veil with the word "bride" stringing down her back in rhinestones or sequins.  She sparkled, that's for sure.
Another bar. Come on in and sit (drink) a spell on Broadway!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022
You've heard of Tootsie's Orchid Lounge, surely!  It's only been around a zillion years and here 'tis!  There's one at Nashville's airport, too, but there's no beating Swett's, my all time-fav meat and two or three (also at the airport)./Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 9, 2022
He was singing the blues at the outdoor bar on Broadway/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 9, 2022

 In the center is a "pedal wagon" filled with party goers  pedaling the wagon to make it move, the riders not on the wagon themselves. It's a BYOB affair and Nashville's pedal wagon spaces were all sold out for the entire month of June except for Flag Day, June 14, but Claire says Clarendon has these party wagons.  I wish my birthday were this weekend so we could party up! Write if you want to join us!  We're trying to fill a wagon/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022
Meanwhile, the place gets wilder with the night!  Here's the "Ultimate Party Bus" cruising on Broadway/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022
Music City makes good use of its fire engines when they're not on duty.  Here's one decked out for a party on Broadway/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022
 A fire engine party truck on Broadway in Nashville/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 11, 2022
Tattoos are abundant, too. (Surprise!)/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022
See!  What did I tell you?  Bring on the boots and the cut-offs!/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022

Nashville Party Wagon on Broadway.  Looks like another bridesmaids party on deck.  Nashville is the Bridesmaids Capital of the World, and we saw several of the parties, plus part of a real wedding, too!/Photo by Patricia Leslie,  June 11, 2022
Whatsis?  Three-wheelies with flashers on Broadway/Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 11, 2022
 And away they go on Broadway in Nashville/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 11, 2022
For the more sedate and/or those tourists looking beyond Broadway, look no further than the fabulous Victorian Belmont Mansion on the Belmont University campus ("Nashville's largest antebellum house museum!") or ... /Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 12, 2022

Centennial Park, the home of the Parthenon, modeled after the original in Athens/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 10, 2022

The Parthenon in Centennial Park in Nashville/Photo by Patricia Leslie, June 10, 2022
Photo by Patricia Leslie, Nashville, June 10, 2022

Suffragettes protect the Parthenon at Centennial Park. This statue was dedicated August 21, 2020 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which gave women the right to vote.  A Tennessee legislator, Harry T. Burn, who listened to his mama, was the deciding vote in the Tennessee General Assembly whose action made the 19th a reality.  Thank you, Mr. Burn!

The statue honors these suffragettes who were instrumental in the fight for women's rights: Anne Dallas Dudley of Nashville, Frankie Pierce of Nashville, Carrie Chapman Catt (national suffrage leader who came to Tennessee for the final battle), Sue Shelton White of Jackson, and Abby Crawford Milton of Chattanooga.  Thank you, suffragettes!

And thanks, Nashville, for a great time in Music City!!



  1. If you ever lived there I bet you can’t believe the changes. I work on a committee with a Nashville perso & he said bachelorette parties are a big part of tourism income! #1 city for these events.

  2. I used to live there, and the changes are incredible. I remember when the Nashville elites and the Chamber of Commerce used to pooh-pooh country music until they realized: "Hey! We could make some money off this," and Music City took off.
