Monday, February 28, 2022

#StandingwithUkraine @White House, Lafayette Park

A reporter conducts an interview at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022. The sign says: "I AM NOT UKRAINIA but I SUPPORT YOU"/Photo by Patricia Leslie 
His sign says:  "I AM RUSSIAN and I SUPPORT UKRAINE." I cropped his face so that Putin's assassins in Washington would not hunt him down. At the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie 
#StandingwithUkraine at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022. When Trump was in the White House, he had a 12-foot high wrought-iron railing fence installed around the White House and the People's Park, Lafayette Park to keep the people out. He was afraid of the people who were charged $1.5 million for his fence. President Biden took it down.  Thank you, President Biden!/Photo by Patricia Leslie
#StandingwithUkraine at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie 
Next Putin stop:  Alaska?  The sign in Lafayette Park at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie 

#StandingwithUkraine at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie 
The center sign says: "President Zelenskyy you are my Hero." The sign on the left says: "Georgia  Ukraine." At the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie 
#Standingwith Ukraine at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie
Carrying Ukrainian flags, a group marches over to #StandwithUkraine at the White House in the early evening hours, Feb. 27, 2022/Photo by Patricia Leslie

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