Thursday, December 3, 2020

Bike, stroll, rock and roll the Mt. Vernon Trail

On the Mt. Vernon Trail in Alexandria, you can fish solo and ponder the meaning of ......? You choose/By Patricia Leslie
 Or fish with a friend/By Patricia Leslie
 Or ride/By Patricia Leslie
 Run/By Patricia Leslie
 Run almost naked in 50 degree weather/By Patricia Leslie
 Ponder solo/By Patricia Leslie
 Ponder with a friend/By Patricia Leslie
 Bike/By Patricia Leslie
 Rendezvous or find sculpture in wood/By Patricia Leslie
 Fish with a group/By Patricia Leslie
 Contemplate a science project/By Patricia Leslie

 Find Mother Nature/By Patricia Leslie
 Study Mother's effects/By Patricia Leslie

It's heave ho on the Mt. Vernon Trail/By Patricia Leslie

 Admire the sinewy trunk that remains/By Patricia Leslie
 All the way up to the tippy-top and wonder when it will fall/By Patricia Leslie
 Find beauty everywhere and admire the craftsmanship of bridge designers. The 18.5 mile trail will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2023/By Patricia Leslie
 See the gorgeous Potomac River sights/By Patricia Leslie
 Bike with friends/By Patricia Leslie

Walk instead of ride the challenging last mile before Mt Vernon, George's home/By Patricia Leslie
But if you get a running start and think you can ..../By Patricia Leslie
 You can!/By Patricia Leslie
 It's a demanding finish/By Patricia Leslie
 Easier to walk/By Patricia Leslie
 Than ride/By Patricia Leslie

 Or strategize on the best way to top it/By Patricia Leslie
Whatever you do, enjoying the outdoors and escaping inner space are delightful on the Mt. Vernon Trail. Thank you, National Park Service!/By Patricia Leslie

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