Sunday, June 7, 2020

Christians rally in D.C. for Black Lives Matter

A Christian protester on Pennsylvania Avenue on Sunday carries a sign which reads "All Mothers Were Summoned When George Floyd Called Out For His Momma." June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
Hundreds of Christians marched in Washington on Sunday for Black Lives Matter.  At the Capitol Reflecting Pool they gathered to walk to the White House and join thousands in unison crying for justice.  Here they round the corner at Third Street, S.W. at Pennsylvania Avenue. June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 Christians march for justice and peace June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 Christians march on Sunday June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
They walked up Pennsylvania Avenue where Trump Tower loomed in the distance, protected by police. June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
Police on bicycles followed the crowd June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
The woman carries a banner which reads, "Love Never Fails - If We Can Pick Up Trash To Be Reusable, We Can Pick Up People To Be Reusable" and the banner on the right the man carries says "Christians Together in Action - I Corinthians 12:12-27" June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 A family of four at the Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue, part of the Christians' rally for Black Lives Matter. On the back of his bicycle is a sign which reads in part: "Black Lives Are Beloved, Are Worthy, Are Necessary"
June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 In front of the FBI building, a National Guard tank and soldier stand watch.
June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 Marching on Pennsylvania Avenue June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 On Pennsylvania Avenue, they marched June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie
 At Freedom Plaza they marched and turned the corner up 15th Street, headed towards the White House seeking justice and peace for all. June 7, 2020/Photo by Patricia Leslie

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