Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Movie 'Eighth Grade' is way uncool

 Eighth Grade by Bo Burnham

It's as boring as the first video which is ultra long and is a forerunner of the languor which blankets the film.

I thought this was supposed to be a comedy.  Filmgoers, it ain't.  It's a too realistic picture of what 's happening in eighth grade now, and who needs that?  I went for "fun 'n' games." Not here.


A triple shot of expresso with some androstenedione thrown in would help, and about those long pauses....please.  Can we get some cutting room scissors in here?

Eighth Grade's best (its only?) redeeming quality is the music (by Anna MeredithApplause...a woman!). 

Acting by father (Josh Hamilton), daughter (Elsie Fisher) and "Gabe" (Jake Ryan) is commendable, but the script needs work.  No wonder there weren't any preteens or teens or even millennial in the movie house when I went.  Just a bunch of old folks hoping for some laughs.

A few laughs.

Any laughs.


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