Monday, February 15, 2016

National Symphony tickets on sale for $13

Storm Large will sing The Seven Deadly Sins with the National Symphony Orchestra April 28 and 29, 2016/National Symphony Orchestra

You must buy a minimum of three tickets (total = $39 @ $13 each) to get the National Symphony seats at this whoppingly discounted priceAlthough the sales price has gone up a little ($2 each) over recent years, it's still a grand deal! 

And there are no handling charges.
Alban Gerhardt will play Elgar's Cellist Concerto in a program with Sir James MacMillan conducting interludes from his opera, The Sacrifice, with the National Symphony Orchestra May 12 and 13, 2016/National Symphony Orchestra

No Saturday night seats are available for $13, but there are Thursday nights, some Fridays, and two Friday "coffee concerts" at 11:30 a.m.

The offer ends Feb. 26 and may be withdrawn at any time.
Leila Josefowicz will play Salonen's Violin Concerto with the National Symphony Orchestra June 2 and 3, 2016/National Symphony Orchestra

For more dollars ($23 or $33 per ticket) you may purchase "prime orchestra" and "premium orchestra" seats.

What a deal! 

All seats are on the orchestra level, and here's the skinny:

Go to play (I've never been able to get it to work) and buy a minimum of three seats and check out, or call 202-416-8500 Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Be sure to mention the "Triple Play" deal.

The sales dates and guest artists are:

Mar. 3 and Mar. 4 (Thursday and Friday eves): Christoph Eschenbach conducting Bruch and two Prokofiev symphonies, with violinist Ray Chen and harpist Adriana Horne.

Mar. 10 and 11 (Thursday eve and Friday morning): Eschenbach conducts works by Brahms and Picker with pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet who plays Liszt.
Mar. 17 and 18 (great way to celebrate St. Paddy's Day; wear green!) (Thursday and Friday eves), however, all $13 seats for both performances are sold outPricier tickets remain. Osmo Vänskä conducts Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 with pianist Nikolai Lugansky playing Brahms.

Mar. 31 and April 1 (Thursday and Friday morning): Cristian Macelaru conducting works by Fauré, Jalbert, and Debussy. Violinist Nikolaj Znaider plays Brahms

April 7 only (Thursday eve): Nikolaj Znaider conducting Mahler's Symphony No. 1, and pianist Benjamin Grosvenor playing Mozart.


April 14 and 15 (Thursday and Friday eves): Hugh Wolff, conducting works by Barber and Ives with violinist Anne Akiko Meyers who will play Bates. The Friday night performance will start at 9 p.m. and feature an abbreviated show and "party" of sorts called DECLASSIFIED: The B-Sides with Mason Bates and "a sampling of his most innovative hits."


April 28 and 29 (Thursday and Friday eves): James Gaffigan conducting works by Rodgers, Dvorák, and Ravel, with Storm Large singing Weill's The Seven Deadly Sins. Another Friday night "party" with abbreviated show starting at 9 p.m. DECLASSIFIED: Cabaret of Sin with Large and Hudson Shad performing tunes of "a sweet and sultry mix."


May 5 and 6 (Thursday and Friday eves): Andrew Litton conducting Shostakovich's Symphony No. 11, and violinist Vadim Gluzman playing Tchaikovsky.

May 12 and 13 (Thursday and Friday eves): Sir James MacMillan conducting Vaughan Williams, three Interludes from MacMillan's own The Sacrifice, and cellist Alban Gerhardt playing Elgar.


June 2 and 3 (Thursday and Friday eves): Eschenbach conducting works by Haydn and Schumann, and violinist Leila Josefowicz who will play Salonen.


June 9 and 10 (Thursday and Friday eves): Eschenbach conducting Bruckner's Symphony No. 4, and Nathalie Stutzmann singing Mahler. 

What: The National Symphony Orchestra in concert

Where: The Kennedy Center, 2700 F Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20566

How much:
Minimum $39 for three tickets (or $66 or $99). No handling charge.
Metro station: Foggy Bottom. You may ride one of the free burgundy shuttles from Foggy Bottom to KenCen or walk it (10 minutes). The shuttles are at the top of the escalators.

For more information
: 202-416-8500



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