Sunday, November 17, 2013

Washington Post excludes women in sports


President Obama and his daughter, Sasha, sit on the first row two and three people to the left of the fellow in yellow at the Mystics' game August 1, 2010. The Mystics wore pink uniforms for the game in recognition of Breast Health Awareness Day/Patricia Leslie


The Mystics are a Washington team, right?

Don't women count?

In today's Sports section, WAPO has overlooked us, dare I say, again?  The Mystics aren't a "local team"?

President Obama is seated, center, under the woman in the pink hat and shirt at the Mystics' game, August 1, 2010/Patricia Leslie

Alex Prewitt's today's article, "Terps get executive sweep," describes the history and excitement of President Obama's attendance at various area games. Tonight the president and his family attended the University of Maryland's game v. Oregon State where Michelle's brother, Craig Robinson, coaches.

In the far right column is a list of the "local sporting events" the president has attended since coming to office. Dates, teams, scores, and venues are included. Yep, the teams play better when the #1 Fan is in attendance.

And yep, excluded is the president's and Sasha's attendance at the August 1, 2010 Mystics game which the Post covered and so did I.  Here are the links:

Dare I think, would it be   p o s s i b l e   that the writer/editor only thought male when they looked up the president's attendance at "local sporting events"?  Banish those sexist ways.

Ain't I a woman?

If the Post can carry a tab for all the men's teams in this town and "AllMetSports," why can't it carry a tab for the women's team? 

Calling Tracee Hamilton, Sallie Jenkins, and Katie Carrera:  The Washington Post needs you to step up to the plate, please.

President Obama shakes hands as he exits the Mystics' game at Verizon Center on August 1, 2010/Patricia Leslie

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