Saturday, October 26, 2013

Behind the scenes at Vienna's Halloween Parade

Vienna's Halloween Parade participants got their first fright of the night when they lined up on Berry Street to face a green-headed monster lurking behind a fence/Patricia Leslie
And there to scare him off were library literary creatures (with decorated dog) to weave magic and witches brew/Patricia Leslie

Delegate Mark Keam of the 35th District outsmarted everyone with a horse-drawn carriage to safely transport his family away from scary monsters/Patricia Leslie

A loose cow was spotted drinking something besides milk (!) at the Vienna Business Association's pre-parade party at Jammin' Java.  A property tag claimed the cow belonged to Sean Sinclair/Patricia Leslie

A pretty princess at the Vienna Business Association's pre-parade party/Patricia Leslie
Yeeks!  How can anyone eat with these beauties staring at you?  They were found at a Maple Avenue restaurant and bore resemblance to Vienna librarians/Patricia Leslie

Beware of Vienna ghosts!/Patricia Leslie

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