Monday, May 20, 2013

Spring cleaning at the National Gallery of Art

Spring fix-up at the West Building of the National Gallery of Art/Patricia Leslie
If you’ve wondered if that’s spring cleaning on the exterior of the West Building of the National Gallery of Art, your hunch is right.
At the West Building of the National Gallery of Art/Patricia Leslie

Deborah Ziska, the National Gallery’s chief of press and public information says “timely repairs” are underway at the building, including “re-pointing of joints,” which are typical improvements needed on a senior structure.

The Tennessee Pink marble wall and North portico at the Sixth Street entrance are receiving attention, and walls and porticoes are being refreshed “with a light mist.”
At the West Building at the National Gallery of Art.  The banner promote the Pre-Raphaelites exhibition which has just ended/Patricia Leslie
It’s never too early to get a joint lift, especially for those in their 70s and getting ready for their dodranscentennial celebration which would be the 75th anniversary of the National Gallery's public opening in 1941.
At the West Building at the National Gallery of Art/Patricia Leslie
At the West Building at the National Gallery of Art/Patricia Leslie
At the West Building at the National Gallery of Art/Patricia Leslie

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