Thursday, September 27, 2012

Save the date: Oct. 3, free noon concert at St. John’s

The U.S. Army Chorus

The U.S. Army Chorus will perform at 12:10 p.m. October 3 at St. John's, Lafayette Square, and introduce the church's First Wednesday Concert Series for 2012-13.

The chorus is one of the few men’s professional choruses in the U.S., and has performed at the White House, the Vice-President’s home, the U.S. Capitol, the U.S. Supreme Court and the State Department.  The group was founded in 1956 as a vocal counterpart to the U.S. Army Band, “Pershing’s Own,” and has a repertoire which includes patriotic, Broadway, folk, and classical music.
St. John's Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square/Patricia Leslie

St. John's, known to many Washington residents as the yellow church at Lafayette Square, is called the “Church of the Presidents” since every president beginning with James Madison, who served from 1809 to 1817,  has either been a member of, or has attended services at St. John's, including President Barack Obama and his family.  A plaque at the rear of the church designates the Lincoln pew where President Abraham Lincoln sat when he often stopped by St. John's during the Civil War.

Other concert dates in the St. John's series are: 

Nov. 7:  Michael Lodico, associate choirmaster and organist, St. John's Church, performing Works for Musical Clock by Haydn and Mozart

Dec. 5:  Madrigal Singers from St. Albans and National Cathedral School, directed by Benjamin Hutto, performing "Music of the Season"

Jan. 9 (second Wednesday):  Marvin Mills, concert organist, performing Avec une touche Francaise, with works by Saint-Saens, Widor, Durufle, Litaize, and Dupre

Feb. 6:  Soloists from St. John's Choir

Mar. 6: Bianca Garcia, flute, assisted by Michael Lodico, organist, featuring the world premiere of a work by Stephen Cabell

Apr. 3:  Benjamin Hutto, director of music ministry and organist, St. John's, performing "Organ Treasure Old and New"  

May 1:  Alvy Powell, bass-baritone and Gershwin interpreter

June 5: Jeremy Filsell, Washington National Cathedral Artist-in-Residence, performing organ works by Bach, Dupre, and Rachmaninov

What: U.S. Army Chorus                           

When: 12:10 p.m., October 3, 2012

Where: St. John’s, Lafayette Square, 1525  H Street, NW, at the corner of 16th, Washington, D.C. 20005

How much:  No charge

Duration:  About 35 minutes each

Wheelchair accessible

Metro stations:  McPherson Square or Farragut West

For more information202-347-8766

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