Thursday, May 3, 2012

Newsweek: Cancel my free subscription

The cover of the woman blindfolded is revolting.  The cover story about women enjoying sexual abuse is beyond the pale.  It is unbelievable.  I guess anything for a buck.

Have you tried canceling your subscription?  Try it.  It’s impossible on the Web.

Last week I tried.  Failure. 

Over the weekend when the upsetting cover surfaced in my stack, I tried again. 

Failure.  Impossible on the web. 

As if the misogynists and wife beaters need more tools.

You like whips and chain saws?  Newsrag's your meat.  You got snakes? 

In anger I sat down and composed a handwritten note to the Hollywood newsrag canceling my subscription.

But where to send my notice?

Try finding an address.  Not anywhere to be found in the rag.

Finally, after clicking and clicking on the Web, I found a telephone number for “customer service” (800-631-1040) where a woman canceled my subscription and said she did not have an address where I could mail my handwritten note.  At the subscription counter, no address for a rag.

She said she had heard the website had been having a lot of trouble lately, but a week?  “They” can’t repair a website in a week?  After hearing my challenge, she said she also could not find a way to cancel the subscription online.

She reminded me that my subscription had come at no charge (why else would anyone have it?  People pay for this thing?) with my WETA membership so I sent WETA an email and mailed my letter of complaint to which WETA responded with an address: 

555 W. 18th Street
New York, New York 10011

No wonder newsrag makes it almost impossible to cancel a free subscription.  How many subscribers would be left? 


  1. sounds like she just doesn't like being confronted with the facts about working women in the 21st century.

  2. methinks you missed the point(s) entirely. 1) was it REALLY such a slow news week that this makes the cover story? It shouldn't make it in at all! 2) it truly is demeaning & sexist. Why doesn't NewsweAk now do a follow-up on how men love to enslave and abuse women? Even though sex slavery is a burgeoning industry I think NewsweAk would probably not want to offend. 3) why IS there no way to contact 'em to complain?

  3. "NewsweAk" is great! The best! Write-on, Anonymous!

    To the first Anonymous, I say: Why does NewsweAk say this only applies to working women? I just don't get it.

  4. 888-915-5155 use this number to cancel it, its for those that got it for free.
