Monday, April 23, 2012

'Jeopardy!' comes to D.C.

D.C. 'Jeopardy!' contestants in rehearsal from left: Mehmet Oz, Katty Kay, and Chris Wallace/Patricia Leslie


Yes, on Saturday at the DAR Constitution Hall for several tapings.

For one show, contestants were Katty Kay of BBC World News, Chris Wallace, Fox News, and author and television personality, Dr. Mehmet Oz. Wallace was the big time winner, earning $50,000 for his designated charity, Hope for the Warriors. (Kay's designated group, the International Women's Media Foundation and Oz's, HealthCorps, each received $10,000.)

In rehearsal, Oz and Kay did lots better than they did in the taped show.

Some answers to the questions posed during rehearsal (you can make up the questions) and the correct respondents (whom I can remember) were: the Fifth Dimension, calcium, Playboy Clubs (Oz got that one), Oliver Twist (Wallace), Cairo (Wallace), Visine, Oslo, Berne, vodka (Kay), Pluto, and no one knew the capital of New Zealand.* (Answer at bottom.)

(Attention: Do not read the next two paragraphs if you want to play along on the show.)
Answers to some of the questions for the show which will be aired: World's Fair, Edward Albee (Kay), National Mall (Oz), exchange rate (Oz), Gorbachev (Kay) (which had a tacky question), Canada (Wallace), Dan Quayle (Wallace), Richard Nixon (Wallace), National Archives (Wallace),
Cuban Missile Crisis (Kay), Detroit, Library of Congress (Wallace), and Agent Orange.

No one on the panel knew the correct answers about earned income or employment. (No economists in the group.)

During breaks, the show's host, Alex Trebek (71??), a comedian in his own right, answered questions from the audience. One man wanted to know if Trebek had ever considered becoming a contestant, and Trebek said no because if he did, the producers might get a young, smart substitute who might do really well and might cause management to think twice about keeping the longtime host.

At one college taping, Trebek said a young woman asked him: "Briefs or boxers?" and he answered: "Thongs."

He said the normal size of Jeopardy's California audience is about 200, compared to the 1,500 who watched the taping at Constitution Hall which was not filled.

The "big" question at the end was the name of the book about the Civil War which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2011.** 

All five "Power Players" shows will be broadcast the week of May 14.

As it was explained to the audience who applauded wildly whenever instructed by two flashing "applause" lights, "Power Players" are those who influence the way the rest of us think about the news. Thank you very much.

** Gone With the Wind
Tents for the outside lines!/Patricia Leslie

Outside DAR Constitution Hall on Saturday/Patricia Leslie

The flag at DAR Constitution Hall Saturday was at half-staff because...?/Patricia Leslie

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