Monday, January 16, 2012

Dancing talk at Glen Echo

A Saturday "swing" night at Glen Echo where the crowd danced to the music of Blue Sky 5 + 2, sponsored by Flying Feet Enterprises/Patricia Leslie

Act I
Overheard at the unheated dance hall (where it doesn't take much to warm up), a conversation and an offer between two 60-somethings.
"Susan," dressed in black dancing shoes, black tights, black "swing" skirt and a decidedly unsexy fleece zipped to her neck, stands next to a column waiting for the 8 p.m. swing lesson to begin.
"Dave," dressed in an all-black suit with orange tie and wearing a woolen knit cap with his name stitched across the forehead (which he never removes), approaches Susan and once they engage in conversation, takes aim with a fox's stare, never taking his eyes from hers.  He has targeted more prey.
Dave: Hi.
Susan: Hi.
Dave: My name's Dave.
Susan (smiling): I am Susan.
Dave: You look familiar.
Susan: (? and rolls her eyes)
Dave: I know you! Do you work at the ______________ ?
Susan: Yes, I do! I don't recall seeing you there.
Dave: That's because my business ________________.
Susan: Oh, well, I work in a nearby building.
Dave: Oh.
Dave: I am looking for a wife.
Susan: I am not material.
Dave: How come?
Susan: (?) Been there, done that.
Dave: And?
Susan: (?) And?
Dave: And?
Susan: It's too confining and ....
Dave interrupts: But I have a lot of money!
Susan: (And?)
Dave: I own my own business which I am going to sell for $___ million. I know Stevie Wonder.
Susan: (Wondering how Stevie Wonder has crept into the conversation) I just saw him on TMZ.
Dave: TMZ? What's that?
Susan: A trashy TV show
Dave: Where do you live?
Susan: Northern Virginia
Dave winces.
Susan: Where do you live?
Dave: Northern Virginia (pause): I got an offer on my house last week for $1.6 million, and I bought it for $100,000 20 years ago.
Susan (Fancy that): Did you accept the offer?
Dave: No, I'm gonna wait for something higher.
Dave: Don't you ever get lonely?
Susan: Sometimes.
Dave: I lived with someone for 18 years.
Susan (Congratulations): Where is she?
Dave: I dunno
Dave: I have a place in Key West, too.
Dave: I am going to dance with you.
The scene ends as the dance class begins.
Act II
An hour later on the dance floor with 400 people dancing swing to an orchestra. After several dances, Dave finds Susan.
Dave: Let's dance. I know the steps; follow me.
(Turns out he is a very good dancer.)
Dave (emphatically): Put your arm here! (On his)
Susan: Well, if you know the steps, why did you come to the class?
Dave: This is the Fox Trot (as he glides her along backwards on the floor where her foot is crushed three times by men weighing 200+ lbs.).
Susan: I thought we were supposed to be doing "the swing."
Dave: This is what we are doing...the Fox Trot.  Just don't think about it.
Susan (As they dance): I was wondering (pause)... if this is called the Fox Trot, is it because... this is the way foxes trot?
Dave: (?)
After three numbers together, Susan takes a water break where she spots an obnoxious neighbor across the dance floor. Fearful of an invitation (or not) to dance,  she makes a break and escapes into that good night.
It pays to get out.
What: Dancing to live music
When: Thursday - Sunday nights, some Sunday afternoons
Where: 7300 MacArthur Boulevard, Glen Echo, MD 20812
How much: $15 or $16
For more information: Call 301-634-2222 or email

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