Thursday, November 10, 2011

Washingtonians loved the European Jazz Motion at the Embassy of Austria

European Jazz Motion in concert at the Embassy of Austria/Patricia Leslie

Antti Kujanpaa on piano and Angela Trondle, European Jazz Motion/Patricia Leslie

Angela Trondle, Mattia Magatelli, and Tobias Meier, European Jazz Motion/Patricia Leslie

Give me jazz, any jazz, day or night, and I'll be there. Like at the almost "sold out" performance last week at the Austrian Embassy where the European Jazz Motion (aka New European Jazz) came to play.

The young group evolved after one week of collaboration in 2008 where they initially gathered in Riga, Latvia as "Group A" at an international music school.
Only one of the performers at the embassy was Austrian (Angela Trondle, the stellar vocalist), but the group's international flavor is a great mix. Tobias Meier from Switzerland played alto sax and alto clarinet; Marek Talts, Estonia, guitar; Antti Kujanpaa, Finland, piano; Mattia Magatelli, Italy, bass; and Christian Windfeld, Denmark, was on drums.
The beginning music of the first piece came from a melancholy, slow piano, joined later by heartbeats of the bass and then, drums, followed by a solo sax.
The voice of Ms. Trondle, who exhibited her distinctive scat talents during the concert, often sounded like a worthy solo musical instrument of its own. The evening featured, quite naturally, contemporary selections, many composed by group members, and many which were quite short. Not than anyone had objection to their length, for the audience came to hear modern sounds, and no one left disappointed.
That the group is only three years old makes for great expectations.
Event sponsor was the Austrian Cultural Forum whose website lists future events:
Now through Nov. 22, 2011 at the American Film Institute Silver Spring Theatre, the films, Michael and Breathing
Nov. 15: Little World, 6:30 p.m. at West End Cinema ($11 and $9). Call 202-419-3456 for information.
Nov. 16 Six short silent movies with live piano, 7:30 p.m. at the Embassy of Austria. Free admission, but RSVP required: 202-895-6776 or click here.
Nov. 18: Die Sklavenkonigin/The Moon of Israel with live piano, 7:30 p.m. at the Embassy of Austria. Free admission but RSVP required: 202-895-6776 or click here.

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