Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movie Review: "What Happens in Vegas"

Not exactly "Washington Speaks" but a lark of a film:

"What Happens in Vegas" is fun and lots of laughs! If you need a good escape, this is it. The only real negative is the schmaltzy ending which you begrudgingly anticipate, but up until the beach scene, and the kneeling, it is a hilarious film

I probably would have never seen it had I not read the Washington Post's great review. A friend said the New York Times panned it, but movie reviewers are usually old fuddy-duddies anyway, and who cares? I went, I saw it, I loved it.

How in the world can a male look better than Ashton Kutcher? He looks so much like JFK, Jr. I swear, girls, you can feel his arms wrapping around you, and that alone is worth the price of admission! (Demi: How did you do it? I want to buy your book!) I hesitate to label this a "chick flick", for it almost qualifies, but the males in the crowd will love it, too, for Cameron Diaz is eye candy for them ("treats for all").

Rob Corddry from "The Daily Show" and Lake Bell as sidekicks add tremendously to the movie. There's even "Saturday Night Live's" I can't think of his name who plays Cameron's significant other, and does a credible job, but Judge Dennis Miller seemed almost lifeless to me, but that's maybe the way he is anyway.

For a couple of surprises wait before leaving until the credits are rolling.

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