Sunday, April 13, 2008

Musing after the Newseum

WOW! For news junkies, yes! For others? Not sure $20 will be viewed as a good value by them.

Why, with all these news stories and adulations, has nothing been written about the high admission price? Does the hierarchy at the Newseum really think this fee is okay? How was it set? Why $20? Perhaps the Newseum is not non-profit, after all.

The museum (sorry, that's what it is) is phenomenal: seven floors of old newscasts and history and lots of front pages. There is part of the Berlin Wall and part of one of the World Trade towers and part of one of the planes which crashed that dreadful day engulfing the crowd, now silent..

Pictures taken by a photographer on his way to his death by the fall of a tower flash by. Video of his wife being interviewed suggest she still is numb for she speaks non passionately. His photo bag and equipment, damaged by the falling tower which took his life, are on display. Not to miss.

The Pulitzer Price photos are shattering. Two days later and the tragic shot of the little girl and the vulture both on the ground in Africa live vividly. The repercussions to the photographer are understandable. All the pictures are unforgettable and one tastes a bit of greatness. Video and comments by some of the photographers are shown.

The hosts recommend starting with a confusing film on the bottom floor and taking a glass elevator to the top and descending, not by stairs but by ramps like ones found at stadiums. (It does have that feel.)

Upon entering on opening ("free") day April 11, I immediately spied on the street level Senator Chuck Hagel being interviewed on the radio. Members of the crowd turned and asked each other "who's that? Who's he?" When told, some still had no idea who he is. Not everyone lives and breathes news and politics!

A spectacular building, a spectacular day, and the views! Must sees! Even when "full" (which is doubtful post-April 11) there is plenty of room to move around and witness. What fun the television reporting (additional fee) is for, mostly, the young at heart and body.

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